Riding the Currents
Earlier today Google+ stopped working for me on the mobile app. I could still access notifications, but not my home screen. Turns out I wasn't alone and one of the few other Plussers left had experienced the same.
Luckily someone popped in and suggested coming to desktop and cycling the new Currents stream feed from intra-domain to inter-domain and that seemed to do the trick.
This is a little thing, but it's a thing. I also played with the new Currents on desktop and found some functionality removed. Inter-domain communities are still there and you can even create new communities, even though they're invite-only and non-searchable.
Character markup is allowed through CTL-U/B/ and whatever the one is for Strikethrough instead of *, _ and -.
Character markup is allowed through CTL-U/B/ and whatever the one is for Strikethrough instead of *, _ and -.
Oh, and we went from multi-column view that was prevalent in the Ploos, to a single column view. Which isn't too bad as this blog and countless other websites use single column view, but like many Google design decisions, there's a lot of dead space that serves no purpose. Everyone's monitors are wider these days and Google is going with a single column UI that ignores 40% if the available screen. It just doesn't make sense.
All of this won't be too inconvenient for corporate or school domains, but for those of us who have GSuite domains that are for family or small orgs, this is inconvenient.