
Showing posts from February, 2019

No On Wants a Wall But Racists and Fearmongers

The House of Representatives voted to over turn #DonaldTrump's  grandstanding decision to waste taxpayer funds on a vanity wall that will resolve nothing. Why? Because there is no southern threat to warrant the emergency declaration.

Nowhere to Go But Down

#DonaldTrump spent the past few years taking credit for the Obama economy which is fairly standard practice for any politician. And, another standard practice is to place blame when things go wrong. Except for those who said "the buck stops here." We all know the #GlobalIdiot won't be that guy. He'll blame Obama when the economy turns; or he'll blame his democratic competition in 2020 or he'll blame the  Federal Reserve; or he'll blame both Republicans and Democratic congresspersons. Under no circumstances will #DonaldTrump reflect on his own short-sighted actions and take the blame himself. The NABE survey, which asked around 300 economists at major institutions their views between January 30 and February 8, found that about 10% of economists see a recession hitting this year, 42% see a recession in 2020, and 25% expect it to happen in 2021.

Facebook is a Dark Pit of Despair

There are a lot of great anecdotes in this article and I highly suggest everyone take a a few minutes to read it in full. And yes, if you already have a negative opinion on Facebook, this piece won't change your mind. It will make you wonder why people would work in these conditions for so little compensation. But it's easy to blame the behavior these moderators are experiencing on Facebook itself, but if not that social network then it would be another. The problem here is humanity. The internet and social media has highlighted the worst of us as opposed to the best. The fourth source is perhaps the most problematic: Facebook’s own internal tools for distributing information. While official policy changes typically arrive every other Wednesday, incremental guidance about developing issues is distributed on a near-daily basis. Often, this guidance is posted to Workplace, the enterprise version of Facebook that the company  introduced in 2016 . Like Facebook itself, Workplac...

Search Google

There are a lot of nifty tips and tricks to using some of Google's built-in search tool. I, myself, use many of these on a near daily basis while others I've heard about have have never explored. What's your favorite Google search trick?

Global Warming Has Consequnces

The saddest part of all? There are two pages of these animals in this link. “It’s important for a book that has a lot of portraits to also [have] a sense of the habitat,” he explained. The species depend on us to help keep their homes safe; it’s not just for their well-being, but for ours, too. “We’ve got certain animals that turn the soil or forests that make fresh water. Our future depends on them. It’s pretty basic really.” tim-flach-endangered-animal-photos /

Donald Trump Says Something Stupid - Again

If #DonaldTrump could read I'd suggest he read a history book. Has he ever heard of President Lincoln or the Civil Rights Act signed by Lyndon B. Johnson? _“Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!” Trump wrote._

Can the Democrats Win in 2020? Or Are We All Doomed?

Conventional wisdom tells us the USA's Hispanic population should be decidedly against #DonaldTrump and the #GOP in general. But, polling demonstrates otherwise. As the Republicans have tried to restrict or outright ban Hispanics from voting via voter ID laws, their support among Hispanic Americans has also risen. I guess what they say is true: even though I don't like you, we both hate the same people so we're allies. Now, here’s the brutal truth for Democrats: If Hispanic Americans are in fact showing surging approval of Trump, he could be on his way to matching or exceeding the 40 percent won by George W. Bush in his 2004. If Trump does 12 percentage points better than his 2016 numbers with the growing Hispanic vote, it pretty much takes Florida, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina off the table for Democrats, who would need to sweep Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the White House. At the same time, that 12-po...

Is it the End of the World as We Know it?

I won't say we're on the verge of another World War - one that nay prove the end of humanity as more and more nations have access to nuclear weapons, thanks to Donald Trump - but as global treaties and allies become unraveled (also thanks to #DonaldTrump) the world will need to realign and that could definitely result in chaos. Disintegrating capitalism, he explains, will resort increasingly to “direct coercive powers supplemented by new information technologies” to suppress internal tensions, as well as a greater propensity for international hostilities: “The new authoritarian empires need confrontation with each other to justify their own internal, inflexible command structure.”

Rotten at the Core - Donald Trump

A little something in the same vein as the previous post: “Russia, if you’re listening,” said Trump, looking directly into a television camera, “I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” — messages Clinton was reported to have deleted from her private email server. No corruption here, folks. Move along. In fact, #DonaldTrump's presidency has been racked with nothing but scandal and corruption. As it turns out, those in Trump's sphere of influence as systematically been arrested or, at the very least, charged with crimes. Those hoping to ride his coat tails to fame and fortune are instead being tossed in a paddy wagon and possibly prison. All because a lying huckster reality TV buffoon wanted to win a popularity contest. As with most of his endeavors, the USA will suffer irrecoverably from Trump's ministrations and yet so show he'll convince the morons on #TrumpNation ...

Forty Some-Odd Years of the GOP

Usually when I share an article (to social media, specifically Google+) I would share a comment of my own with a small excerpt to entice people to click through and the read the particular piece. This time, however, I wish I would reprint the entire thing because each paragraph in this article is spot on and points, once more, the deplorable behavior of the #GOP and the rubes we call #TrumpNation. Unlike the author, I don't believe the Republican party has been planning on/for a #DonaldTrump presidency in any super-evil-genius sort of way. Instead, they have exhibited a pattern of behavior that has led an entire swath of the American public into being apathetic drones. Let us not ignore the 40+ years of the Republican party partnering with the religious nutjobs whose sole purpose is to advance their anti-Constitutional agenda; and let us not forget the forty-some years of the GOP turning the USA into and anti-capitalistic playground for their oligarchy masters; and let us not als...

Alternatives to Voice?

I don't think GV is going anywhere but it's always nice to have alternatives to Google products, especially Alphabet abandoned it's policy not to be evil. There may be other options out there as well. To be honest, I haven't looked as I've been using Voice since it was available, but if the world of apps has taught us anything, there can never be only one. I do know there are a plethora of video messaging apps out there that have replaced simple voice communication for a lot of consumers and plenty more apps that carry voice across data plans as opposed to analog networks.

What Wall Stops a Catapult?

#DonaldTrump keeps trying to sell his wall as a means to stop drugs and other illegal items from entering the United States. ... Donald Trump is a moron. Federal authorities say in recent years, smugglers have thrown drug bundles over the border or shot them over with devices such as air-powered cannons and catapults.

This, Boys and Girls, is TrumpNation

#TrumpNation is a hashtag I've been using on Google+ for nearly four years to describe the racist homophobic far-right neo-fascists in the USA who have ardently supported #DonaldTrump's candidacy and then presidency. They are the worst of America, a group of people who have been conditioned since the 70s to believe in white supremacy, manifest destiny and their religions' superiority. They are the Halls of kakistocracy and the most ill-informed people, preferring their chosen narrative over empirical data and overwhelming facts. They are aided in their misbegotten cognitive biases by fringe "news" sites like Breitbart, InfoWar and the more mainstream, Fox News. They ha e been catered to by Libertarians, radical Republicans and scores of ministers from across the nation. And in #TrumpNation they have found their voice. In another letter to himself found on his computer, court papers say, he says, "I am a long time  White Nationalist , having been a skinhea...

Imagine if Osama bin Laden had Access to Nukes

The #DonaldTrump administration is infamous for corruption, whether it's emoluments, bribery or interfering with an investigation into ... well, the #DonaldTrump administration. Here, the House of Representatives discovered yet another scandal: Trump officials trying to ignore or circumvent  American law by delivering nuclear technology to the Saudis. Let that sink in for a second: one of the most repressive regimes on the planet, where 19 of 20 9/11 hijackers came from, where the al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden called home, might have acquired nuclear technology if Trump had his way.

Is Turnabout "Fair" Play?

A few years ago the Stanic Church was filing all sorts of lawsuits under the guise of showcasing religious intolerance and we were having such a great time watching them take on religious conservatives who wanted to prop up Christian orthodoxy while excluding all others. Now, the Christians are turning on each other as under the abuse allowed by the so-called Religious Freedom laws causing some Christians to wonder why they're being discriminated against like they discriminate against other religions. _“Mrs. Maddonna was shocked then to learn that this reference would not be accepted, and that her family’s volunteering was no longer welcome,”  the complaint recounts . “Later, the Director of Development for Miracle Hill informed Mrs. Maddonna that only Christians who attended the right type of Protestant church were permitted to volunteer and work with the children that the South Carolina Department of Social Services had placed in the organization’s ...

Obstruction of Justice from Donald Trump?

Did #DonaldTrump try to obstruct an investigation into Donald Trump via his former attorney, Cohen? Maybe. Well, possibly. Okay, probably. According to the Times, Trump attempted to exert pressure on his newly installed attorney general late last year. With U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman having already recused himself from the Cohen investigation due to a conflict of interest, Trump reportedly asked Whitaker to put Berman in charge of the probe. Trump “soon soured” on Whitaker for not being able to make the move happen, per the Times. In #TrumpNation corruption is so common it seems routine.

Teachable Moments

This is the problem with modern schools, especially schools in red states. What should have been a teachable moment was turned into a criminal offense all because a single student expressed his right in not standing or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, I'm not saying this happens in all red states but we see children being arrested more often in conservative states based on trivial matters that should be open for discussion and not retribution.

Have I mentioned how the Blogger mobile app is atrocious?

The Blogger mobile app is atrocious. Just a few moments ago I tried to create a post with a photo from my mobile device (Android) and the photo wouldn't attach to the post. This prevented the post from, well, posting.

Not My Brightest Moment

This is why they shouldn't let me outside when I'm tired. My "on guard" senses weren't up and I think I was scammed. I was walking around a store I had no intention of buying anything at, but I needed to get out of the house and, since I don't have a dog anymore, I decided to window shop. As I exited a couple of guys drove up in a small SUV and asked me if I needed an entertainment system. "No," I said. "Aw, man, it's a great deal. You should check it out." The guy in the passenger seat jumped out of his side, opened up the rear door and showed me a new-in-box set of wireless speakers. "We work for a company building out a Buffalo Wild Wings and this is the stuff we were putting in there. Here, check out the invoice. We only needed eight, but they sent us ten. Look at that invoice: out bosses spent $2000 on these!" "St...

The Bald Eagle Knows How to Get a Free Meal And in America we have the most patriotical most America-lovingest president ever: j1AU4qi7tWg One could make the argument that the bald eagle, the symbol of the USA, is just like the Americans it represents in that they're opportunists.