#DonaldTrump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is a hardline anti-Islamic who believes foreign policy and...

#DonaldTrump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is a hardline anti-Islamic who believes foreign policy and American supremacy should be dictated by bombs and bullets.

Now he wants to bomb Iran because ... it's the only place left in the Middle East where an American-made bomb hasn't gone off.



Rich LaDuca said…
What kills me about these articles is that Corporate media is never going to discuss facts, when approaching this topic...
The US has been trying to control or destablize Iran since the early 50's.
It revolves around how influential Iran's economy is in that region, and its open opposition Israel expanding its borders.

This reality is supplanted by a narrative loaded with meaningless details designed to distract the public away from that reality.

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