Scrapbook Pictures

Scrapbook Pictures


Zeb Palmer said…
Looks like a lot of my stomping grounds... up here. I have a couple guesses. I've never seen it with that little snow, but is this in RMNP? I have a pic burried on a drive somewhere that the mountain was pretty similar shaped. in RMNP... also +1 on the BC, ours is red.
Jason ON said…
Indian Peaks Wilderness Area actually. You're a Colorado-person, too?
Zeb Palmer said…
Nah a good ways up the Rockies. Idaho
Nice pic. Mountains are pretty too.
Scott Ormond said…
That looks like a happy doggy.
Jason ON said…
That's because she was awesome. I can only point the camera.
Jason ON said…
I was working with a truly talented model.

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