Good Friday (not the Catholic kind)

Has it been a good day so far?  I woke up this morning and went to the gym. Afterwards I took the dogs to the park and got to hang out with Hot Crystal (Hot Crystal is awesome!).   I was supposed to go to CoSprings and photograph a sheepdog trial but on the way to I find a German Shepherd on the side of the road looking lost. She was just sniffing around dragging a leash along behind her. I stopped and grabbed her, she hadno name tags just a vet vaccine tag on her collar. So I take her to her vet who looks up the owner's information and the number on record is disconnected. The vet's assistant gives me the address and as I drive to the neighborhood the German Shepherd, Booboo, starts getting very excited. Her owner is at home looking for his dog: Booboo. He says he dropped the leash while walking to the dumpster and slipped on the ice.  He offers me a reward and I mention I don't need a reward I need a job.  So, he offers me a job.  Nothing serious, but pay, benefits and convenient hours.  I may have to consider it.  The card he hands me says something about traffic stops and I ask him if he's a lawyer.  He's not, but he wrote a 80 page book on how to take the ticket to court and win.  I'm going to court next week over a speeding ticket.

Has today been a good day, so far?


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