
Showing posts from April, 2010

A lot of Competition Out There!

It's not just that unemployed people are lazy or self indulgent, wasting away their time on FB, MySpace, Twitter or Buzz, it's really that there are no jobs. In a few years, though, there'll be a job vacuum as baby-boomers retire. Job Competition - TIME

Attorney General of Connecticut is a Dumabass

Ha ha ha ... I hope Craig (of is laughing his ass off on the way to the bank. Attorneys General Upset That Craigslist Is Profiting From Procedure He Forced Craigslist To Put In Place | Techdirt

Not a Good Time to be From Arizona!

Awesome. Simply awesome! AriZona Iced Tea: 'We're from New York' -

So, the state of California can destroy families at whim?

Imagine this: an elderly couple, one 88 and one 77, never married but together for 20 years. Imagine, they have all their legal paperwork in order giving each other power of attorney and spousal rights. Now imagine one gets hurt and the county, deciding they were "just roommates" won't allow the power of attorney to be executed. Now image, the county states the other person cannot care for themself and institutionalizes them both, selling their home and auctioning all their possessions to "pay for care." Image one dies while the other is not able to execute their rights. Yes it happens, it happens in California. County Separates Elderly Couple and Sells Off Their Possessions

Ten Signs You're an Unquestioning Christian

Ten Signs You Are An Unquestioning Christian 1: You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of YOUR god. 2: You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt. 3: You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem with believing in a Trinity god. 4: Your face turns purple when you hear of the atrocities attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all of the babies of Egypt in 'Exodus' and ordered the elimination of ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUPS in 'Joshua' - including women, children, and animals. 5: You laugh at Hindu beliefs that defy humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem in believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then g...

Profile Pics and Feminism

Let's see if I can get this right. Please weigh in on this -- am I being absurd? Trust me in that I did no editing to these screenshots other than to blur out last names. Granted, taking the screenshots was sort of a pain in the ass because FB doesn't let you copy a comment feed or link to it as far as I know. Could the ladies please chime in? I want a female's perspective and if you'll notice the only people commenting on Michelle's status are men applauding her skimpy clothing in one manner or another. Not a single woman has chimed in. In this dramatization I'll be playing the role of "Jason" and Michelle will be playing herself. In the comments we reference a conversation we had in real life the other night where I said I liked her profile pictures especially the witch one (it works for me) but having pictures of her scantily clad might be negative professionally or attract the wrong attention. Then today she comes out with this: (you can read ...

AZ Law

With all the talk about the AZ bill about giving local law enforcement the power to, "under reasonable suspicion," detain anyone they think might be an illegal immigrant. To break it down, they're giving the government agents the power to stop people accused of being of a certain subset and request them show their documentation proving their right to be there. When was the last time something like this made national news...? Hmm.... Seems like a scene from Nazi Germany where the SS agent asks the people not wearing a yellow star to show their papers. I'm just saying... And with all the negative media attention and global eye on the hicks in Arizona, the legislature has decided to "rework" the law to make it more clear and less vague on when, where and who can be stopped and under what circumstance. Seems the righteousness of the conservative agenda has a little ego that got bruised. Either than, with all the calls to boycott Arizona and AZ products, they ...

Green is Good

Being "green" doesn't just mean solar panels, all-natural and lower carbon footprints, sometimes it's means reusing serviceable equipment. 8 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Electronics Here are 8 ways to reuse some older electronics that might be collecting dust somewhere. And let me add: if you have an old cellphone laying around, donate it to a woman's shelter. They hand them out to women who are abused so they can dial 911 anywhere/anytime.

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union � Maryland Liberates Prisoners of the Census

Stop the presses! Are saying a state is actually trying to do the right thing? Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union � Maryland Liberates Prisoners of the Census Wow!

When HR Department's Get it WRONG

Okay, so I read this article and the whole time I'm thinking What the bleep ? Sprint could have turned this into a positive PR story but instead chose to fire their employees after they saved the day. Sprint employees fired for capturing shoplifter - Denver News - The Latest Word Does your company have a policy that requires you not be a good Samaritan? Is it even legal to have such a policy? I get the safety factor in that HR departments and corporate accountants are worried about medical bills and legal suits, but as the article states: they weren't in the store, they weren't on Sprint time and the thief didn't steal from Sprint. How is this a bad thing? Has corporate fear of litigation castrated our ability to be good neighbors? I don't know -- this just kind of annoys me.

Jesus and the Bible

So, I was watching YouTube video of Jesus and all the atrocities that have been committed in his name and how with a simple word or two he could solve many of the problems facing the world today. And for some reason I had this image of a Pat Robertson-type talking to Jesus, trying to convince him how we should hate the gays, burn the Muslims, keep enough Jews around to make sure Israel has enough people to qualify for Biblical prophecy, etc when it occurred to me, Jesus' reaction probably would have been something like this: "But I never read the Bible."

Woman's Stolen Car Found Completely "Pimped Out"

Somehow this sort of thing never happens to me. Woman's Stolen Car Found Completely "Pimped Out"

HOW TO: Cleaning Out the Twitter Garbage

As we all know, I'm not a huge twitter user choosing not to broadcast my life, but to put interesting bits of information out there when I can; but I do have a Twitter account and do post the occasional Tweet, watching Twitter for good information more than tweeting myself. HOW TO: Spring Clean Your Twitter Account But, with all things, there are avid users, average users and people who you're not quite sure why they're there in the first place. As much as I don't like posting Mashable articles this one is actually a decent reminder to go though your Twitter account and cull the weakest from the herd. Maybe you followed someone back only to learn they have nothing interesting to say. Maybe you followed a #FF suggestion and that person hasn't posted since 2004 (yes, I know Twitter doesn't go back that far, that's the joke). Regardless, it's spring time and time to weed out (pun intended) those less desirables. So while you're watching an April sh...

[Geeks are Sexy] Technology News - We make technology sexy!

Not to argue the point of the website, but rather just the title of it: Geeks Are Sexy ... umm.. no. Hot librarian chicks are sexy. [Geeks are Sexy] Technology News - We make technology sexy! Now if this site had hot models all over the pictures doing geeky things, it might be more interesting, bit since it doesn't.

Death By Firing Squad

Notwithstanding the "wild west" jokes, what do you think about this? Should the condemned get to choose their manner of death, or does the state and only the state have domain over that decision? As I see it, if the firing squad is chosen then those people whose duty it is the kill the condemned with bullets might then be traumatized themselves over the murder of a man who is unarmed and unable to defend themselves. It would take someone of either the sociopathic, or on the verge of it, persuasion to do the actual shooting. Is the state then supporting sociopathic behavior, allowing a sociopath to walk amongst us in the guise of a public servant? Condemned Utah killer will face firing squad | US News | Idaho Statesman Or, is the death penalty out-dated? It solves nothing and deters no one from crime. Looking at a cost benefit, the death penalty actually costs more via the process than holding a person in prison for life. What benefit does the death penalty bring to soci...

Conspiracy Theory, or Call to Arms?

No matter what you believe or whether or not you're interested in 9-11 conspiracy theories, this guy does bring up some interesting points. I don't have access to the evidence Richard Gage apparently has and I'm no architect or ordinance expert, but if what he says is even remotely true, it brings new light to at least one building that fell on 9-11.

GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year? | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

my friend, an Obama hating birther, sent me this link in an email saying he got it from a democratic friend, himself. What do you think? I think it's someone trying to wrap immigration up in a nice leafy green package in order to convince environmentalists to hate immigrants. What the blogger is not mentioning is the fact that even if we didn't have a million immigrants a year coming to our shores (his number) people would still be tearing up open land to put in mini-malls. Our economy supports that over preservation. Empty land cannot be taxed at the same rate as developed land. Anyhwo, I know there's at least one or two people following me that might have some constructive input into this. GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year? | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

Potentially Deadly Fungus in PACNW

Well, this sucks. I was on Vancouver Island for about a week in 2006 and in Whistler, BC for 4 days. Luckily I didn't get sick, but I've been dying to get back there for some R&R. Potentially deadly fungus spreading in U.S. and Canada | Reuters

ARIZONA the new Texas?

Tat is to say, Arizona, the new collective of close-mindedness known as conservatism? My friend sent me this link in an email today. I know we've all seen this before, but what happens if this bill passes and Hawai'i produces the birth certificate yet again? Are they yet again going to just discount it as a government cover-up? How come these conservative ideologues didn't fight this hard to find Bush's early separation paperwork that proves he never really went AWOL? "ARIZONA BILL TO REQUIRE BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM OBAMA FOR 2012" - Patriot Update

Facebook Enemy of Privacy

If you've been on the internet for more than a year you probably remember when Facebook was lauded as the superior MySpace, protecting the privacy rights of it's users when MySpace was opening everything up? Well, things have changed. Facebook, while exploding in popularity as anyone who has befriended their grandmother or aunts and uncles can attest to, has been living off of venture capital not quite knowing how to make their massive network of interconnected relationships work for the bottom line. Buzz by Linda Lawrey Until now. Unless you've been out camping since the snow started melting or one of the eight people in America left without an internet connection, you know Facebook has been implementing changes. These changes are not only allowing you to connect with long lost college buddies and your great aunt's favorite dog, but with companies and website content from across the web-o-sphere. And they're doing it without your consent. In actuality, you can...

FB, keeping Spammers in play!

With Facebook's new plan to conquer the internet by throwing out "like" buttons everywhere, they're leaving the gates wide open for the parasites of internet usage, spammers, to flood your FB newsfeed with crap (yes, I said crap) that no one wants to see, especially your friends. How to Trick Users into Liking Facebook Pages They're Not On Thank you for that, FB. Muchos Gracias.

White House to fight to preserve National Day of Prayer -

Hopefully this is a feeble fight designed to appease the Right instead of a full force declaration of war on the side of Christianity against the Constitution and the right to live under a First Amendment that means something. White House to fight to preserve National Day of Prayer -

Hottest Nerd Crushes Pictures

Girls for Geeks. I understand most of the guys labeled as dorks or geeks have never actually seen a woman naked and therefore must rely on fanboy hotness to satisfy their virginal lusts, but still ... no on e from FireFly? No Morena Baccarin? How dare they? Hottest Nerd Crushes Pictures - 1 of 13 - Maxim Girls Photo Gallery | Here's the top 50 sci-fi geek fantasies. Enjoy!

Judge Nixes 'National Prayer Day,' a Setback for Sarah Palin's Dream of Establishing a Christian Nation | | AlterNet

So, there's at least one federal judge who has read the Constitution's First Amendment clause on the separation of church and state? Judge Nixes 'National Prayer Day,' a Setback for Sarah Palin's Dream of Establishing a Christian Nation | | AlterNet New Supreme Court Justice, anyone?

Have dozer will doze

In the U.S. we're kind of used to having our pristine outdoors cultivated for the greed of a few; bulldozing fields and forest for designer communities; farms and ranches turned into strip malls and Wal-Marts all in the name of greed and taxable revenue. But to destroy the peace and calm of a refuge like this, that has has existed for the better part of a millennium, just screams at me as a violation of conscience against history and nature. Tourists disturb peace in Georgia's monastic caves - What do you think?

Unintentional Porn

What dirty minds we have. 25 Examples of Unintentional Porn Like you don't see it through dirty filters. Ha ha ha!

McDonald's Continues to Sizzle (MCD)

So I went to McD's the other day for the first time in a long time and can't say I enjoyed the experience. My Complaint: Store number: 6235 Order number: 708 Date: 4-17-10 Time: 10:25AM First time I'd been in a McDonald's restaurant in about a year and thought I'd try one of those McCafe's instead of Starbucks or another specialized coffee shop. I ordered a $1 sausage McMuffin and a Mocha chilled McCafe. I have to say, the McCafe was horrible. It tasted like bad coffee with grounds. I would have returned it but having never had one before I wasn't sure if this was how it was supposed to taste. I'll never order one again -- preferring the 7-11 iced coffees instead. On a positive note: I appreciate the way McDonald's has been trying to make your menu more health-conscious. Have a great day! McDonald's Continues to Sizzle (MCD) Their response (which I was actually impressed with minus a coupon or something for a sandwich or drink of my choice, b...

Surgeon cut off testicle 'by mistake' at Bury hospital

No No No No No!! BBC News - Surgeon cut off testicle 'by mistake' at Bury hospital My brother works in a hospital I'm going to have to run this by him.

Cities in FreeFall

This is exactly why I have not moved back to Florida. Jobs are more scarce there than here in Denver. :Shudder: Los Angeles Among Forbes' 'Top 10 U.S Cities In Freefall'

I love this song...

It's actually the ringtone on my cell right now. What's yours?

Your very own Jedi Master

I totally want one, but I want one that says "Do or Do Not, there is not try," "Be a afraid, very afraid," and other pearls of Jedi wisdom. ThinkGeek :: Yoda Plush Backpack Yes, I may have a geekgasm.

More from Eyjafjallajokull always has the best pictures. This is Volcano Unpronounceable! More from Eyjafjallajokull - The Big Picture -

Printing From An iPad

It's not as difficult as you would think. Printing From An iPad

Click the banana and watch it dance!

dancing banana by Zoey

Good Buzz Groundwork

How to make Buzz work for you. This is some god basic stuff, but whether used a reminder on etiquette or for newbies who've touched the internet fad, Linda has some good tips. Buzz by Linda Lawrey

Greater transparency around government requests

Google is going to tell you when the government asks about your online habits. Aren't they nice people? Official Google Blog: Greater transparency around government requests

Farmville Coming to iPad, iPhone and Android?

I seriously hope this does not happen. All these stupid games ruined social media for me I don't want them to ruin mobile phones, too. Farmville Coming to iPad, iPhone and Android? Can you image a bunch of people driving in rush hour or on road trips trying to make sure their corn grows or their barn doesn't get raised wrong, or whatever it is that idiots of FarmVille are doing on there.

Cookbook explains how to cook black people

And you thought we were in a more enlightened age. The only problem here is the Soylent isn't green, it's black. The Associated Press: Cookbook pulped over 'ground black people' typo

Google Calendar Time Management

Stolen from Linda :D Some good info on making Google Calendar work better for you. Google Calendar Time Management

Stamps to the Rescue!

Buy stamps, yes stamps, and help feed shelter animals. Click the link to find out more! USPS Stamps to the Rescue - Home

Bicycle in Denver?

Get your free route map. For those of you not in Denver, disregard this posting. Denver Public Works releases an updated City bike route map - and they’re free!

Hooray for the Boobies! Keeping Men Healthier, Longer!

Interesting and while I'm definitely a "butt guy" I can still appreciate a nice pair. Good to know it's healthy for me too. Should I print this out and carry it with me so if I'm about to get slapped I have proof of my defense I'm just trying to love longer? Bizarre breast facts

Conservative Write Racial Slurs Against Obama and Family

It's times like these that remind me why I do not like the Conservative movement in American today. It's one thing to believe in smaller government (which I do) and more efficient government spending (which I do) it's another to be proud to be racist, to perpetuate racial stereotypes and to be bigots. And the worse part? Only a small few of them thought this sort of talk was wrong. First, Obama is not a Marxist; second Michelle Obama had done nothing to be classified as a "witch" and third, when did wanting or support peace become something bad? I seem to remember a time when the conservatives said leave the Bush girls alone (although they were very news worthy with their drunken escapades) and now they're going after someone else's family? Where's the mutual respect, courtesy or gentlemenship? I guess the conservatives are claiming with a million tiny whispers that there is none; that instead of riding above it, they're wallowing in it. Sad....

Catholics Fight Pedophilia law

What the hell? They don't want people being able to come out of the woodworks to claim the priests abused them? They're actually fighting this? Connecticut bishops fight sex abuse bill - The "legislation would undermine the mission of the Catholic Church in Connecticut, threatening our parishes, our schools, and our Catholic Charities," wrote Catholic Bishops in opposition to the bill. So, allowing abused to claim their abuse against the RCC is suddenly a bad thing? Maybe one of these bishops wants to be Pope someday?

Letting the Doggies Run

As many of you know, I like the doggies. Yes, I am a prime example of the symbiotic relationship between dogs and humans, the relationship that some propose helped homo sapiens beat out our hominid competitors early in the unrecorded history of mankind. While mine does not help me hunt or guard the flocks, he does provide stress relief, activity and companionship -- factors that are essential to healthy sociable people. And as many of you know, I live in Denver, CO. Compared to other cities of it's size, Denver is usually considered a very dog friendly place to live. For the sake of this post we'll not get into their aggressive breed banning of supposed "dangerous breeds" nor will we get into their draconian enforcement of leash rules on municipal parks due to an overpaid city parks manager who dislikes dogs; and we'll not mention that what Denver does, the rest of the metropolitan areas does. Let's just say, for the sake of this posting that Denver and ...


Failbooking -- when you realize you're an idiot or your friends are not above making you look like a moron. There's some really funny stuff here. I only got to page 25, but it kept going and going and going. Failbook - Funny Facebook Status Messages ( Failbooking ) It really makes me feel for humanity, the stupidity of some people. Enjoy!

Kind of Make Water-Boarding Seem Benevolent

It always amazes me the depravity of humanity. What I find most interesting about this list is the number of times you read how these devices were used against heretics. Meaning these devices were used by the RCC in their "conversion" tactics. And people wonder why I dislike the RCC. 12 of the Most Horrifying Torture Devices in History

Putting faith in its place | Atheist Nation

Watch: Putting faith in its place | Atheist Nation A video. It's about 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Social Media -- How You Entertain Me

Some interesting looks into social media. You parents, look for the one about Facebook. :D Social Media Madness - A Weird Look at Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Media

Astonishing Video of U.S. Troops Killing Civillians

I've said pretty much everything I have to say about this on Buzz already, but I want to put it here in Blogger for future reference. WikiLeaks - Reuters - Collateral Murder | Mediaite

Want LinkedIN to Work Better For You?

Here are 7 ways to spruce up your LinkedIN account and make you more desirable to potential clients and contacts. 7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn

Ever Try ChatRoulette?

It's not just about penis' you know. Sometimes it's about funny, too. 18 Funny ChatRoulette Screenshots -

YouTube - Best GoPro Clip Entries

Videos courtesy of GoPro. Surfing the Big Waves at the North Shore Big Wave Challenge I miss the beach. Granted I was never a good surfer, but damn if I don't miss the sea-salt air, the water and the fun of living near the ocean.

Bible Atrocities

Atrocities of the Bible. Are there anything else from that book? Two-thousand years of lying and bloodshed from a book written by a bunch of people who were seeking power over the newly formed christian religion. Bible Atrocities - The Thinking Atheist

New Google Docs Features

It's about the only thing I don't use of Google's instead opting for and then there's which offers a free (yes, FREE) 30gigs of space, docs and collaboration. 5 New Google Docs Features You Might Have Missed

Denver Bike Trails

Due to being extremely poor I will be riding the bike a it more this year. Here's some trails and one of the few things I like about living in Denver. All the outdoor things to do here. Denver Bike Trails

ICONSI ICONS for everyone! Get Your ICONS!

Icons for just about any social media outlet you could use. Need it? It's probably here. Want it? Take it. Have a great day! Social Media and Social Network Icons | The Social Media Guide

Twitter Yourself Instead of Others

Want Twitter to link back to your website instead of some other Tweet clients? Here's how! How to Brand your Tweets with Your Website's URL | The Social Media Guide

Who's Your Daddy?

No, seriously, who's your daddy? While the fathers in England might want to take a double-take at their children's geneology, what does this say about us all? WHO'S THE DADDY? | More Intelligent Life We've heard the stories about people who find out only after their children or themselves get sick, or after another man enters the picture. But how common is this? In England, apparently it's somewhere between 3% and 30% probable.

Volunteer Aborad

Is saving the planet your mission? Your desire or your passion? GVI Volunteer Abroad Programs in Africa South America, Asia & Europe There's always need for help.

How Dumb are People?

Do manufacturers really think we need this sort of hand-holding. Who doesn't know how to wear a hat or not to apply chemical directly to brain? I mean, seriously. The Most Absurd Warning Labels Of All Time (PHOTOS) Chances are there was some lawsuit somewhere and some corporate lawyer said they had to put these labels on the packaging; much like the "Caution HOT" now on coffee cups.

Is it Facebook's Fault?

Not at all. FB is only facilitating the communication like the road facilitates driving. Should the road be blamed for speeding? But on the flip-side: FB, or other social media, should be making it easier for the police to track and arrest these people. Is Facebook Facilitating Anti-Social Behavior Among Teens?

Government Contract Opportunities For Small Businesses | SBDC

Government Contract Opportunities For Small Businesses | SBDC Good information for people wanting to get those government contracts here in Colorado.

Pictures from Space!

Astronaut, Soichi Noguchi, of Japan, took his camera and lens to space to share the experience with you and me. But you have to be on Twitter! Astronaut Packs Massive 800mm Lens For Twitpics From the ISS Porthole | Popular Science

Culture Wars

Whoa! That must have been some kiss! Dubai upholds British pair's jail term over kiss | Reuters I think if Focus on the family had their way, this would be illegal in the U.S.A., too. Granted, I don't always want to see it, but I don't want someone telling me I can't do it.

Ready for the Next Bubble?

This should help you on your way. Ride The Next 10-Year Bubble In Emerging Markets -

Another reason not to like Mississippi?

This is F*ed up! If in fact it played out the way the article suggests. That whole community is devoid of morals or ethics. Did a Mississippi School Stage a Fake Prom for a Lesbian and Her Date? - constance mcmillen - Gawker

How to search Google Buzz posts

In case you're trying to search your way through Google's Buzz with no great results. Go to Article

Having an UpSide down sort of day?

Then here you go! How to type upside down text and letters on the web When everything's upside down, it's all right!

Chrome Extensions

Using Chrome? Want some nifty extensions to make Chrome work a little better for you? Install one, none or them all! 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity

Twitter Dashboard

Just parking this on Blogger so I have easy access to it when I have time to take a more in-depth look at it. How to: Twitter into a Dashboard |

Colorado Film School: SPCA of Texas - Pet Flix Film Festival 2010

Colorado Film School: SPCA of Texas - Pet Flix Film Festival 2010 Isn't that cool? Too bad I don't have any film footage of Kincorra.

Top 10 Recut Movie Trailers on YouTube [VIDEOS]

Mary Poppins the horror flick? The Shining a comedy? That's right boys and girls, I bring you: Trailers Recut! Top 10 Recut Movie Trailers on YouTube [VIDEOS] Enjoy!

Big Hopes For Denver's Downtown

While Denver is not a huge metropolis by any means, it's criss-crossed in numerous tiny neighborhoods that span a handful of blocks here and there. But, like this article states, once you're off the beaten path of the 16th Street Mall, there's really nothing to do until you've hit one of these neighborhood alcoves. For downtown, a bold third option - The Denver Post I've know about the plans for 14th street for a few years now, and looks forward to seeing some more pedestrian friendly options off the Mall.

Airline Hostesses Strip

Strip in protest! Awesome! Unpaid air hostesses strip in protest | Reuters

Mmm... I love me some chocolate and peanut butter

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Easter Eggs Recipe - How to Make Easter Egg Candies - Easter Candy Recipes If someone wants to make these and send me a few, it'd be appreciated. Thanks,

Who's to Blame? Surely not the RCC or the Pope!

According to the RCC, everyone is to blame but the church itself. "The Devil made me do it," doesn't work in American courts of law and it shouldn't work in public opinion. The Catholic Church's public disregard for the actual crimes being committed is offensive to common people. That they're running a PR campaign against the Devil, the NYTimes and anyone else rather than being proactive and talking about eradicating this sort of behavior speaks volumes to their mission: Circle the wagons. I guess that's the problem when you're used to dealing with people who will trust you on nothing but faith. You're not used to dealing with people who question and think. Although my dad had us all baptized, I am so glad I didn't grow up in the Church and declared myself an atheist at 12. I much prefer to live in a rational world rather than this one: Watch Video Stuff Catholics Have So Far Blamed for the Church's Pedophilia Scandal - Sceptrecism - G...

Backlinks made easier

Just storing this for future reference. :D How to Create Amazing Backlinks | WordStream

Google Buzz Tips

Here are some tips for working within the G's Buzz. Of course, with all the changes to Buzz since the rollout someone should really write an updated one of these since this compilation is dated Feb 14. Not me, I'm too lazy. How To Do Everything With Google Buzz

Who Watches What?

Study: Dems watch more TV, Republicans more sports -- The Live Feed | THR This actually makes sense to me and parallels some of my own thoughts on the issue. What do you think? Do people who tend to watch sports also tend to vote republican? Over the years I've read a couple of studies about the psychology of people who watch sports and the psychologies of police officers/military and voting habits and notices a certain commonality in regards to sports watchers and how people behave in their personal lives. Religion may be the opiate of the masses, but sports are the shiny object displayed for people so as to distract them from everything else. If you're watching football, you're not watching the news. If you're watching ESPN, chances are you're not reading the news sections of the paper. And if you're watching NASCAR maybe you shouldn't breed. But that's just my opinion.

U.S. to Begin Profiling Air Passengers : Discovery News

Discovery News Really? Aren't there enough hoops to jump through these days? Now if you're the wrong height, weight, color, hair-color or subscribe to the wrong religion, you're circumspect. Or, if you travel a lot. Or if you post something derogatory about the government on the internet. Anyone else think the government is violating too many civil liberties? First we have the Patriot Act, then the Justice Department doesn't think it needs to abide the Constitution and now we have congressmen trying to install a national ID system with biometric data which can be tracked like an IP address. And now we have restricted movements. Yes, I'm concerned about terrorists as much as the next guy, but I'm more concerned about the 300 million Americans who are losing their rights because of a handful of Muslims. I'm worried about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being given up because of some old cranky men living in caves half a world away. And I...


Like a Bad Zombie Movie, The Bill That Wouldn't Die... Here Comes REAL ID Again > New World Order Report I'm confused... what's the point of an ID card that has your biometrics if there's no database to compare it to as the article suggests? I'm opposed to something like this as unnecessary. The Fed already has an ID card it's called a passport.

The Business of Culture

Quirkiest Cultural Practices From Around The World - Having lived abroad, I know first hand about working other cultures. Although I have never been to the Middle- or Far- East I have been to 12 countries and lived in two. For me, learning foreign cultures is exciting and it always helps to have a friendly face who will explain to you the meaning of certain rituals. For example, as the article states, giving a gift in the middle east is something to be done at the end of the meeting. Sure, you might not know that offhand, but it's nice if someone explains it's to avoid appearing to bribe your potential business partner or some other cultural specific _ faux pas _. It shocked me to observe that many Americans refuse to learn their host country's customs, expecting them to adhere to American ways. In college I took a Multicultural Business class and was again shocked to learn how common it was for Americans, or people from any culture, to fight their host cult...

Weird Deductions: it's TAX TIME!

As Tax Filing Deadlines Approach, Here Are Some Of The Most Foolish Tax Write-Offs Ever Attempted - Cat food, sperm and sex toys. That's ... well, weird. What else would you like to deduct and provide a short sentence or two justifying it.

That Cheating Bastard!

Why Do Men Cheat? : Discovery News If you watch TV for about 6 seconds you'd think everyone's cheating on everyone all the time. Kind of makes "monogamy" seem like something none of the cool kids are getting.

Can He Hack the iPad?

Hack-Proof? - Well, if anyone can... this might be the guy to do it.

Democrats Joining the Tea Party?

Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party - So, what has Obama done that creates more government or that... that... I don't know. Aside from a few campaign promises that he's failed to follow through on, that has Obama done that's destroyed this country enough that democrats are jumping ship? Go ahead and list them for me. Thanks,

Are PDFs outdated?

PDFs: Evil, lazy slothful and sinful | Article | Homepage articles Are PDFs in direct confrontation with what the web is capable of? Do they encourage laziness in web development? I use and ZoHo and when I'm sending to someone who is more than likely using MSOffice I usually send the file in PDF formant for convenience and to save the formatting the way I want it (no conversion involved). But are PDFs, for lack of a better term, outdated?

Hiring Hot Spots -

Hiring Hot Spots - Someone's hiring. Good economy/bad economy, someone's got to do the work. And why can't I ever find a really attractive girl to help me at BestBuy?

Social Media Guide

A Cheat Sheet to Help You Conquer Social Media In case there was any confusion with social media amongst you guys. Here's a quick cheat-sheet to make it all simple.

How to Make a Bulletproof T-shirt

How to Make a Bulletproof T-shirt : Discovery News Holy tuff-t's, Batman! Sign me up for my skintight superhero costume right away!

Award in Discrimination Suit -

National Briefing - South - Georgia - Award in Reverse Discrimination Suit - This annoys me. Not that there was a suit, nor that it was awarded, but that people seem to think there's something called "reverse discrimination." There's not. It's basic run of the mill discrimination -- and shame to the NYTimes for perpetuating a myth. The "reverse discrimination" implies the reverse of discrimination which means no discriminations. Now, I know it's a term commonly used when whites are discriminated based on color, but again, that's just plain 'ol discrimination. From dis·crim·i·na·tion (d-skrm-nshn) n. 1. The act of discriminating. 2. The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment. 3. Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners. Take away any of that, or reverse it, ...

Adventure Photography

Adventure Photography: These Guys Have no Fear | DevSnippets Wow! Some of these I would have no problem doing .... other's, there's no way in hell.

Westboro Baptist

Controversial church group plans trip to Blacksburg - WDBJ7 Roanoke News and Weather NRV Lynchburg Danville | Shouldn't the other churches get together and force this one down?