What's the worst that can happen?

Why is global destruction the only place where we wait to react?
Safety is constantly being regulated for the individual or the subgroup,
but when a global disaster might be in the cards, all the naysayers
are urging caution. "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst," is a
motto used in many industries and by many leaders and yet, we are
not preparing for the worst, just hoping for the best. Why? Because
of money. Corporations don't want to spend money, governments
don't want to tax and people would rather buy PS3s than prepare
for catastrophic events. It's sad, really.

Like a gun or a condom, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
The same with a stable future. I'd rather have it, or be prepared for it, than pray for it
at night and watch people suffer for the lack of it.


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