
Showing posts from 2020


Lots of bdiscusdion going on right now regarding the makeup of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed the Right has been salivating over yet another stolen seat and the Left has been trying desperately to stave off any nominations confirmations.  But that won't last. With the Right destined to lost this 03NOV en masse  the Republican controlled Senate will surely get their last digs in before being forced into retirement.  This article discusses the current makeup of the court and how it doesn't accurately reflect the will of the people. and

Having a Drink

Okay, it's been a minute since I wrote something. And the sad part is, it's not that I haven't had the time, but rather because I've been lazy.  So, here's a picture of the bourbon drink I had yesterday afternoon. I can't recall the name of this particular vintage but it was some sort of "throwback" to the original bourbon recipes of the days of yore.  To be fair, I haven't been neglecting just this blog, I've also been neglecting my vlogs. Mainly because I don't want to edit videos. But, I found an editing software that's easy enough to use if you don't need too in-depth of a program.  Yay! So, hopefully, more to come.  Good night,


 Recently, started working for a congressional campaign. I met the candidate through a veteran's issues forum and was soon hired on as a fundraiser to help the campaign reach it's fundraising goals.  During my first week I asked the candidate if he wanted me to reach out to my contacts - was there any sort of publicity (radio, podcasts, written articles) he was steering away from? He said he'd take anything. As the underdog running a grassroots campaign he's looking for all the name representation he can get out there. I also cleared this with the campaign manager. So, I reached out to various progressive and veterans organizations regarding meeting and/or interviewing the candidate. I just heard this was not welcomed by the "comms" team. Gabby, the comms director was upset that I had reached out to organizations she was courting - I'm not sure if she courted them before or after I reached out - but she apparently felt I was encroaching on her turf. I'...

This Image Doesn't Fit the Title

Scrolling through my Google Discovery and noticed the preview image doesn't fit the title of the article at all. Seriously, I doubt the 70s mug shot and belings to the basketball team . Of course, I didn't read the article so I don't really know.  You decide:

Two Nights

It's been a while since I opened up Blogger and made any posts, but that has more to do with me not really having anything to say outside of the political spectrum and, well, that's what I use Twitter for these days.  But, I did take a couple of photos recently and edit them into a surreal eveningscape.  This first one is from a week or two ago: In the foreground we have a local skatepark where the kids hang out from sunrise until well past sunset. Looking south, this storm had just barely clipped us and the light shining through the clouds was truly surreal. I did boost things in Snapseed a tad, but yes, this it what it looked like. This second photo is also of the sunset. Last night I grabbed this with my cell phone while out walking. I treated the image a little more than the above one, but I was looking for a specific feel  to the image and I believe I obtained it.  I like both these images for very different reasons. 

Went for a Walk Yeaterday

I went for a walk yesterday. It was at a trail I hadn't been to since Superbowl Sunday (2020). Total walk was about 7/8 miles. I didn't GPS it as that hasn't worked well in the past, but according to the signage it was just under 8 miles (under four out and under four back). 

A New Hope ...

Didn't really do much today. I was asked to come down and get up and running for working on a campaign. It's down to the wire and it's all hands on deck. Which means I probably won't get a chance to go camping before it gets too cold.


Yeah, you read that right. I've had blisters on my feet. Some have been large and painful while others have been small and painful. I noticed I was receiving these larger ones Everytime I wore a new pair of sandals.  So, I'm not wearing the sandals anymore.  This isn't even the largest blister I've had over the past couple of weeks. 

Roommate's Girlfriend Woes

For those of you who have been paying attention, my roommate has been wooing a woman for over a year. I use the term loosely, of course.  He was dating this woman when I met him and moved in and she broke up with him a couple months later citing he was "too nice". I have it on good authority that "too nice" means she has no respect for you when she uses it as a break up term. Naturally, I'm not a woman so I'm going by what a couple of women have told to me.  After about 6 months they began speaking again. First it was conversations on the phone and then it was him driving the hour or so to see her. He even helped her pack up and move out of state when she decided to move back to her parent's place. While she was in North Dakota they spoke almost every night and somehow she was suddenly staying here for a week. Or was it weeks? Not her dog - his First of all, I don't know how the subject was broached. Did he offer our place to her or did she suggest i...

A Letter to the Landlord

For those of you who are paying attention, I have exactly thirty days from today to move out of my current abode. This is the 30 day notice letter I just sent to my landlord to let him know I was not going to renew my lease. My Room Has the Window ​Hi Sack,  I certainly hope this email finds you suffering through Covid-19.    This is a courtesy to inform you that I will not be renewing the lease on this slum of a condo. I had decided last year when you took your sweet time repairing the place and making sure it's liveable after the two separate bouts of water damage from the upstairs. It was compounded by the toilet never having been fixed upon my move in and I know I brought it up before I took possession. You claimed to have fixed it, but you failed at even that. Apparently being cheap is paramount to being a good landlord.​ The VA took issue with the fact that the windows in two of three bedrooms do not open creating a hazard should immediate escape be necessary. ...

In the Heart of Denver

This last Saturday I drove into downtown Denver and met with some other veterans in a show of solidarity and support for SPC Guillen and all the other (young female) soldiers who don't believe they have the support and confidence in their chain-of-command.  While I didn't take too many photos of the walk (1, actually) I did meander around and take some photos of the murals put up by #BlackLivesMatter in Civic Center Park .  These are some of the photos, taken with my cell and tweaked with Snapseed. But first, the Veteran's Memorial that sits at the base of the capital's stairs. Now for the murals: There was also some graffiti from protestors on the state capital building. 

A Manifesto of the Unintelligent

In the 90s I was stationed in Germany while serving in the Army. While there I met Christopher DePrater, aka Christopher M. DePrater, aka Christopher M D. On Facebook recently he posted this manifesto about why he's an unabashed member of TrumpNation.  The thing I don't get (I mean, DePrater has always been a bit stupid) is how he thinks Donald Trump is accomplishing anything. Sure, the (current) POTUS has had some wins in regards to closing the borders and once he installed William Barr as the Attorney General of the US he was given a blank check to break as many laws as he could hope to, but he hasn't really accomplished much to advance the US's interests, our freedoms or democracy.  In fact, Trump has done nothing for those interests. Instead, he's worked hard to advance interests that help Trump, Trump's businesses and his family's interests. He' wrapped himself in a cloak of racism as bigotry to appeal to his base and he's alienated nearly every...

Riding the Currents

Earlier today Google+ stopped working for me on the mobile app. I could still access notifications, but not my home screen. Turns out I wasn't alone and one of the few other Plussers left had experienced the same.  Luckily someone popped in and suggested coming to desktop and cycling the new Currents stream feed from intra-domain to inter-domain and that seemed to do the trick.  Pre-Toggle Post-Toggle This is a little thing, but it's a thing. I also played with the new Currents on desktop and found some functionality removed. Inter-domain communities are still there and you can even create new communities, even though they're invite-only and non-searchable.  Character markup is allowed through CTL- U / B / and whatever the one is for Strikethrough instead of * , _ and -.  Oh, and we went from multi-column view that was prevalent in the Ploos, to a single column view. Which isn't too bad as this blog and countless other websites use single column view, but like many ...

I'm a Little Bit Country ...

This gazebo is in O'Brien Park , Parker, CO. I walk past it every time I walk through the town's center and did so again today. Here are two images: The color image is a #SOOC photo and the #blackandwhite image is just a treatment I decided to try out.  Both were taken with my Android and the #BW one was edited with Snapseed. 

Lip of the Mesa

Went outside today. I was on this trail when the clouds rolled in. This trail take you out around the lip of a mesa where you get these glorious views of the valley below. This is looking east (previous images is looking west) The below image is looking south west before the clouds became too thick. 

You Don't Take Questions?

One of my major complaints about social media is how people post. We've all seen these types of posters: 1 - The link-dumper . The person who just drops a URL off without any context. Whether it's to an article, a video or their own blog, they provide no reason for anyone to click through and see the content they're sharing.  2 - The not-Photographer . Unfortunately social media is packed with these people. They're the ones who flood to image sharing sites, pages or groups, and they post prolifically, yet none of the images are their own work. So, they join a group about black and white photography or dogs, or whatever, and their images are great - too great. So, you do some research - or as I've learned to do - ask them some technical questions about the shoot or post processing and whatcha them flounder. 3 - The Ambiguous Poster . These posters are a variation of the link-dumper. They post a random statements provide no context to why they're saying what they...

from the Middle East to Florida

For those of you who know me, you know I have their fascination with maps. Especially maps from hand drawn cartography.  Here are a couple I found just today: The first one here is from 1671 and is of the (Abrahamic) holy lands.  This particular gem is a 19th century map of the St. John river in Florida, from Jacksonville to Lake Monroe. 

TikTok is a NoGo

I have never used TokTok and considering I believe Facebook is too intrusive and therefore won't put it on any device I have, I don't I'll be using TikTok any time soon. Read more:


I grabbed this quick image the other day when walking last my neighbor's house. It's nothing special but it's orange.


Does anyone else find it ironic that a channel calling itself trusted news and fair and balanced keeps going to court to argue they're not actually a news program?

Trollbot See, Trollbot Do

What are the chances these accounts are all bots? I mean, they're the same comments word for word. 

No Longer a Virgin

For the first time ever I voted by mail. This was just for the primaries, but still, it's a first for me, a guy who usually goes and stands in line for hours.


Unless you've been lost in the jungle for the past few years you're aware that #TrumpNation (those who belong to President Donald J. Trump's cult of personality) aren't generally the sharpest tools in the shed.  In fact, they have a history of being ignorant, racist, belligerent and impolite. Most recently they've been anti-social distancing, anti-community and anti-health and welfare of the test of us. They've said it's okay for the elderly and the infirm to die with Covid-19, that Coronavirus is a hoax, that it's just the flu and they deem wearing a mask in public to somehow be an attack on their civil liberties. Protip: it's not. This guy, wearing a MAGAmoron hat, is aboard an airplane, in a confined space, surrounded by others and, while he's wearing a mask, he's wearing it in a manner that does no good.  This is #TrumoNation. An old white guy without a shred of decency and who believes his own needs are paramount to our colle...

Castlewood Canyon State Park

Went on a walk today at Castlewood Canyon State Park with a neighbor and her friends. All-in-all there were two guys and two girls (me being one of the guys) and two dogs. We hiked about 7-8 miles. It was hard to know the exact distance as the park's maps were primitive and we did head down a particular path that was abandoned about half way around.  As you can see by the images below, we had crystal clear blue skies and the temperature was pushing 90°F.  Last night I'd discovered a grape sized blister between my toes and I popped it so it would have a chance to dry out over night but I'm fairly certain I came home with more.  This first image is the valley that was dam'd up to create a lake back in the late 19th / early 20th centuries. After the dam broke the lake drained. These next two images are simple rock formations for those of you who are interested in this sort of thing. The aforementioned dam. Or, at least, the remnants of t...