
Showing posts from January, 2019

If #DonaldTrump had his way this would indeed be coming to a USA near you, and the #GOP would gladly go down that...

If #DonaldTrump had his way this would indeed be coming to a USA near you, and the #GOP would gladly go down that hole with him. Luckily the Democrats have a say. In #TrumpNation if the president does it it must be presidential. Originally shared by Joseph Milan Coming soon to the USA

Whoa! This is a travesty.

Whoa! This is a travesty. One farmer told him of his horror: "I was too scared to enter the barn in the mornings ... they were monstrosities you didn't want to see." Researchers also found an alarming 65 per cent of the shepherds of Quirra had cancer. The news hit Sardinia hard. It reinforced their worst fears while also challenging their proud international reputation as a place of unrivalled natural beauty. The military hit back, with one former commander of the Quirra base saying on Swiss TV that birth defects in animals and children came from inbreeding. Originally shared by Michael o'donnell Just fucking breathtakingly moronic! A Mediterranean paradise and its mysterious history of birth defects

As a reminder Voodoo Conservative economics don't work. Never have and never will.

As a reminder Voodoo Conservative economics don't work. Never have and never will. Originally shared by Sarah Rios All the way back from 2012, discovered in a Twitter comment: Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study Initially released on September 14, 2012, the study—authored by Thomas Hungerford who is a specialist in public finance at the C.R.S.—correlated the historical fluctuations of the highest income tax rates and tax rates on capital gains dating back to World War II with the economic growth (or lack of the same) that followed. The conclusion? Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth. ... Not surprisingly, the results of the study caught the attention of a great many conservatives—so much so that, according to a New York Times piece, Republican’s in the United States Senate successfully pressured the Congressional Research Se...

Pluspora made the cut but so many others did not. And Gab? The online Haven for white nationalist? Really?

Pluspora made the cut but so many others did not. And Gab? The online Haven for white nationalist? Really? Originally shared by Michael Swanson

I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again: #TrumpNation is the culmination of 40 years of conservative...

I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again: #TrumpNation is the culmination of 40 years of conservative ideology run amok. If nothing else, Trump’s election has disclosed some home truths to a group of Americans who “were asleep, but now maybe are awake”, he says. Among these truths are “that America is not over its racism. That we still have a lot of work to do. That we still have a long way to go to become an equitable and fair nation that lives up to the values that it proclaims to the rest of the world. #DonaldTrump Originally shared by Michael o'donnell A very interesting read on what has happened in the US over the last few decades. ‘We've dug ourselves a really deep hole’ – David Neiwert on the rise of the far right

I won't say where I'm at, let's just say it's a restaurant I don't frequent due to all the extra carbs.

I won't say where I'm at, let's just say it's a restaurant I don't frequent due to all the extra carbs. Regardless, I decide to order the "Make Your Own Mac" (and Cheese) option and the waitress asks me if I want white or beer cheese. "What's beer cheese?" I ask. "You know, it's like regular cheese. Yellow cheese." "What do you mean 'regular yellow cheese'? Lots of cheeses are yellow," I reply. "What's it taste like?" "Like regular cheese," she said. "Like you would find in Kraft Mac'n Cheese." Um, I'll have the white. Oh, and I'm having and Apricot Blonde Ale by Drydock Brewing.

And we have a very valid point being made here.

And we have a very valid point being made here. #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation Originally shared by Rich LaDuca

We all knew #DonaldTrump was bad for business and we knew #TrumpNation is nothing more than a kakistocracy, but what...

We all knew #DonaldTrump was bad for business and we knew #TrumpNation is nothing more than a kakistocracy, but what happens when the fools start following other fools? Even if Trump and his ship of fools and knaves do not start a war in Venezuela, they could just as easily trigger new conflicts in the Middle East or with China, without even meaning to. And Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó should be aware – these people do not make reliable allies. With Trump’s “team of morons” in charge, there is no safety net, no room for error – and no telling what happens next. Originally shared by Joseph Milan This is not getting the attention it deserves. WW III?

In #TrumpNation the conservative wing of the Republican party is not conservative enough:

In #TrumpNation the conservative wing of the Republican party is not conservative enough: One of them, Connie Hair, was identified by Ms. Thomas’s group as a conservative columnist when the meeting was being assembled, according to the people. In reality, she is the chief of staff to Representative Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas. During the campaign, she had posted several comments on Twitter describing Mr. Trump as unfit for office, including calling him “certifiable” and saying he would “never be elected president.” In the meeting, Ms. Hair described herself as a strong Trump supporter, according to those familiar with the events. Ms. Hair did not respond to an email seeking comment. A central focus for Ms. Hair and Ms. Thomas was administration appointments that they wanted made and that they accused the president’s aides of blocking. People familiar with the situation indicated that the people Ms. Hair and Ms. Thomas wanted hired were rejected for a range of reasons, and in at ...

About that wall #TrumpNation wants so badly ...

About that wall #TrumpNation wants so badly ...

Can we print this out, make it a post card and send it to #DonaldTrump?

Can we print this out, make it a post card and send it to #DonaldTrump? Originally shared by Ed Christian

Oh look, the #DonaldTrump administration is looking to skip over the separation clause and dive headfirst into...

Oh look, the #DonaldTrump administration is looking to skip over the separation clause and dive headfirst into picking winners and losers based on nothing but religion. You're welcome #TrumpNation, we know you have been wanting this: Wednesday’s decision purports to apply only to Miracle Hill, but its reasoning extends to every other foster and adoption agency that asserts a religious mission. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has already requested an exemption from the federal rule for all the state’s agencies; Wagner will presumably grant it. Once he does, other conservative states may begin to demand exemptions from the HHS policy, opening the floodgates to widespread discrimination. Non-Christian families and same-sex couples will be turned away from state-subsidized child welfare agencies because of their identity or religious beliefs—discrimination that the Trump administration views as “religious liberty.” With Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court turned RFRA into a dangerous new ...

Facebook: let's double down on messaging!

Facebook: let's double down on messaging! Google: that's dumb. What the people really want is to get used to a communications tool and then you take it away, like Charlie Brown and the football. It's funnier that way.

...and #TrumpNation will have a collective heart attack.

...and #TrumpNation will have a collective heart attack.

A girl in my office casually mentioned something about she and I being the same age.

A girl in my office casually mentioned something about she and I being the same age. "Your birthday is tomorrow," I said. "You're only 26." She replied, "Yeah, but we're the same age group." I shook my head. "Well, you're under 35, right?" "I'm not even under 40," I said. Then she said I must look so young because I'm not a smoker. ...or it's because I'm awesome.

A return to the days of Dredd Scot?

A return to the days of Dredd Scot? It seems the SCOTUS that McConnell stacked with conservative justices is heading that way because ... well, that Constitution is just pesky and inconvenient. But in Jennings, the court’s five-member conservative majority interpreted another federal law to permit indefinite detention of thousands of aliens, with no apparent concern for the constitutional problems that reading creates. Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority, revealed from the outset of his opinion that he dislikes Zadvydas, dismissing it as a “notably generous” holding that avoided the constitutional issue in order to secure due process for immigrants. Unlike the Zadvydas court, Alito has no interest in protecting the constitutional rights of noncitizens. Instead, he read the current statute as stingily as possible, concluding that it did, indeed, allow the government to detain all three groups of immigrants indefinitely.

I've read numerous horror stories about +500px and wouldn't use them if the paid me.

I've read numerous horror stories about +500px and wouldn't use them if the paid me. ... Okay, maybe it they paid me. via Andreas Katifes whose post, for some reason, I couldn't comment on or share.

This should terrify you. Or scar you for life. Whatever.

This should terrify you. Or scar you for life. Whatever. #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation

Wow! The photographer was able to catch the Super Blood Wolf Moon through the trees like this! Amazing!

Wow! The photographer was able to catch the Super Blood Wolf Moon through the trees like this! Amazing! Originally shared by Kiki Moon (LunarDisco) The blood moon was beautiful last night

Seems about right.

Seems about right. Originally shared by Lee Grupsmith-Pedersen What a certain segment of the population expected to see last night. So sorry to disappoint... /s/

“I hope that people understand from watching my scene [that] it’s OK to have sex whether you’re disabled or whether...

“I hope that people understand from watching my scene [that] it’s OK to have sex whether you’re disabled or whether you’re not disabled. I want able-bodied people to know that just because someone has a disability, that doesn’t mean they no longer have a sex life.” #porn #gayporn Originally shared by Eric Albin Live the dream.

Has anyone heard of LifeCloud?

Has anyone heard of LifeCloud? Originally shared by Filippo Salustri Anyone got anything good (or bad) to say about Lifecloud as a G+ replacement?

#TrumpNation, where POS' float to the top.

#TrumpNation, where POS' float to the top.

Yes, please.

Yes, please.

If the President's lawyer lies to Congress is that the same as the President lying to Congress?

If the President's lawyer lies to Congress is that the same as the President lying to Congress? Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations. “Make it happen,” the sources said Trump told Cohen. In #TrumpNation we're about to find out.

That must have been an amazing experience.

That must have been an amazing experience. #GreatWhite

Holy ... !

Holy ... ! "In January 2014, Mr. Cohen asked Mr. Gauger to help Mr. Trump score well in a CNBC online poll to identify the country's top business leaders by writing a computer script to repeatedly vote for him. Mr. Gauger was unable to get Mr. Trump into the top 100 candidates. In February 2015, as Mr. Trump prepared to enter the presidential race, Mr. Cohen asked him to do the same for a Drudge Report poll of potential Republican candidates, Mr. Gauger said. Mr. Trump ranked fifth, with about 24,000 votes, or 5% of the total." There is more in the article, but this is amazing and could spur the House into a full-blown #DonaldTrump investigation. #TrumpNation

Oh, this is hilarious!

Oh, this is hilarious! #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation #TheWall

When a crook is a crook is always a crook. #TrumpNation

When a crook is a crook is always a crook. #TrumpNation "The GSA Office of General Counsel recognized that the President's business interest in the lease raised issues under the U.S. Constitution that might cause a breach of the lease, yet chose not to address those issues," said Inspector General Carol F. Ochoa. "As a result, GSA foreclosed an opportunity for an early resolution of these issues and instead certified compliance with a lease that is under a constitutional cloud."

Uh, oops.

Uh, oops. Martin accused Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb of “white privilege” during a segment on a radio program before he broke the news. Ha ha ha! She got owned!

Is this a real thing? It's not April Fool's Day ...

Is this a real thing? It's not April Fool's Day ... Originally shared by Tony David Well, hello there

About the only thing missing from the hatred in this school's application is racism, but I guess it's still not cool...

About the only thing missing from the hatred in this school's application is racism, but I guess it's still not cool to be too openly racist: Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, started at a job this week teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where everyone is welcome. In a “parent agreement” posted online, the school says it will refuse admission to students who participate in or condone homosexual activity. The 2018 employment application also makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

It's not too early for Cat Karma, is it?

It's not too early for Cat Karma, is it?

Hilarious Video

This video is hilarious. Two 17 year old boys trying to dial a rotary phone is like watching monkeys trying to figure out ... ... well, how to dial a rotary phone. Reminds me of a story a former coworker told of his daughter not knowing how to work one of these - she didn't even know it was a phone. Or the department secretary at my college who told a story of a work-study student who couldn't figure out how to use a typewriter.

You know that scene at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey where the apes are trying to figure out tools for the...

You know that scene at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey where the apes are trying to figure out tools for the first time? This is sort of like that, only funnier.

#DonaldTrump's wall ... in song.

#DonaldTrump's wall ... in song.

But, #DonaldTrump's shutdown and Judge Leon's decision made the courts political.

But, #DonaldTrump's shutdown and Judge Leon's decision made the courts political. The judge sympathized with the plaintiffs, but ultimately said he had to weigh the interests of the public as well as federal workers. He added that the judiciary branch is dealing with its own hardships as a result of the shutdown but said he did not want the courts to be a factor in the ongoing debate about funding the government. “The judiciary is not another source of leverage,” Leon said. By this decision the judge decided it doesn't matter if or how long a shutdown lasts, workers gotta work. In #TrumpNation indentured servitude is the new "deep state".

Read this as, 'when King was denigrating Barrack Obama, we didn't care.

Read this as, 'when King was denigrating Barrack Obama, we didn't care. When he made racist remarks about Black Lives Matter, we didn't care. When he made xenophobic comments, we didn't care. Because we held both houses on Congress. Now, we only hold one and we are scared to lose another so we need to censure this behavior and show minority American we're not a bunch of old white racists.' In previous years, racially charged statements by King were met with public denunciations and hand-wringing, but no formal action. Now, with Democrats in charge of the House, there is action from both parties, although minority lawmakers complain it is years too late. and “He has become too comfortable with proudly insulting, disrespecting, and denigrating people of color,” Rush, a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a statement. “As with any animal that is rabid, Steve King should be set aside and isolated.”

I actually laughed out loud at this one.

I actually laughed out loud at this one. #Pooh #StarTrek

One of the reasons I'll never have one of these "smart home" devices.

One of the reasons I'll never have one of these "smart home" devices. Originally shared by Alexander S. Kunz So... Alexa records everything it hears, and one would expect that everything gets discarded if it doesn't contain the trigger word "Alexa" but NOPE, it's all stored on Amazon's servers too! What could possibly go wrong? Oh, Amazon could accidentally send everything to someone else, of course. Alexa, Ring etc. - it's all getting creepier every day...

This is hilarious.

This is hilarious.

About those dangerous terrorists coming through Mexico in a caravan:

About those dangerous terrorists coming through Mexico in a caravan: Mexicans welcomed the caravans at first. But the increased security checks at the border hurt the cross-trade with San Diego and locals were now complaining bitterly about the cost of feeding them. Some migrants were relocating to Mexicali because Tijuana didn't feel safe. But we give the boys the bus fare and say goodbye. We don't see them again. Last I heard they were waiting in Tijuana, surviving on handouts and resigned to months in limbo. The US has slowed processing of asylum claims to a trickle. Originally shared by Michael o'donnell This is just tragic, these kids and young people have very little choice, stay and be killied or run and hope for asylum. Meet the children risking life and limb to make their American dream come true

What happens if Mitch McConnell's Supreme Court - and yes, it is his Supreme Court, not #DonaldTrump's - decides to...

What happens if Mitch McConnell's Supreme Court - and yes, it is his Supreme Court, not #DonaldTrump's - decides to allow the state to preference one religion over another? #TrumpNation Originally shared by Joseph Milan Are you all ready to pay for cross upkeep with your tax money?

With almost anyone else I might assume the President was speaking of a red herring designed to obfuscate the real...

With almost anyone else I might assume the President was speaking of a red herring designed to obfuscate the real menu, but with this president ... #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation Originally shared by Lee Grupsmith-Pedersen Crass act.

When #DonaldTrump was still Candidate Trump one of my chief worries was him just shutting the government down.

When #DonaldTrump was still Candidate Trump one of my chief worries was him just shutting the government down. I, like many others, didn't think he'd actually win so I didn't make any predictions. My only surprise at this point is that it took so long. An unnamed “senior official in the Trump administration” wrote in an anonymous Daily Caller op-ed Monday that the record-breaking 24-day partial government shutdown “is an opportunity to strip wasteful government agencies for good.” #TrumpNation doesn't want a working government.

If recent history has proven anything it's that today's @GOP cannot be trusted with any opinion.

If recent history has proven anything it's that today's @GOP cannot be trusted with any opinion. They didn't want a wall, but now that they have an enemy (Democratic House) to unite behind they all suddenly believe a wall is a great idea. The White House’s March 2017 request for $7.5 billion in spending for border security initiatives, including $4 billion to be allocated to wall-related planning, construction, and legal costs related to the reclamation of private land, generated little support among Republicans. In late April 2017, the Wall Street Journal surveyed border state lawmakers from both parties and found that “not a single member of the House or Senate representing the region expressed support for the funding request.” They noted, however, that Sen. Ted Cruz “backs the overall idea of a wall,” but would not commit to support Trump’s specific request. A few months later, USA Today Network polled all 534 lawmakers in both the House and the Senate and found that jus...

I'm not saying drug traffickers are the most honest people, but when the experts say you're wrong ...

I'm not saying drug traffickers are the most honest people, but when the experts say you're wrong ... #DonaldTrump #BorderWall Originally shared by MTD How bad is it when drug cartel suspects are dissing the border wall "facts" by Donald.

So incredibly true.

So incredibly true. #libertarians Originally shared by Rich LaDuca

I think he meant to say "*half-wit* President".

I think he meant to say "*half-wit* President". “This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the U.S. government saying, ‘Oh, my God, the president’s words and actions lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting, or half-witting pawn, certainly in some regards, to Vladimir Putin,'” Bernstein explained during his appearance on Reliable Sources . In #TrumpNation the president of the USA is a Russian agent.

#DonaldTrump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is a hardline anti-Islamic who believes foreign policy and...

#DonaldTrump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is a hardline anti-Islamic who believes foreign policy and American supremacy should be dictated by bombs and bullets. Now he wants to bomb Iran because ... it's the only place left in the Middle East where an American-made bomb hasn't gone off. #TrumpNation

Google Plusser, Karen Hutton , is famous!

Google Plusser, Karen Hutton , is famous!

Did you know there was a campaign to to #SaveDaredevil?

Did you know there was a campaign to to #SaveDaredevil?

So, Google's TakeOut isn't working for me.

So, Google's TakeOut isn't working for me. I started one of these a few days ago and it never archived my Plus Stream. Then I started another TakeOut this morning and still nothing. Gah!

And in #TrumpNation no one wants to work for #DonaldTrump so he has to rely on family and sycophants.

And in #TrumpNation no one wants to work for #DonaldTrump so he has to rely on family and sycophants. The president has already been accused of nepotism for appointing his daughter to the role of special adviser, and her White House role is unpaid in order to avoid accusations of ethics breaches. Since taking up this official role, Ivanka Trump has met with numerous heads of government and even appeared to replace her father at a G20 world leaders meeting, where she sat next to British Prime Minister Theresa May and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Many at the time noted that this move was unprecedented.

I'll be looking forward to this season of #ThePunisher even though it may be the last.

I'll be looking forward to this season of #ThePunisher even though it may be the last.

So ... that happened.

So ... that happened.

Just so you know ...

Just so you know ... #TrumpNation Originally shared by MTD The whoops in the redacted filling, and a Twitter response.

This sums up #TrumpNation perfectly.

This sums up #TrumpNation perfectly. The greatest tragedy to me, isn’t him. It isn’t that the person supposedly leading our country lacks a single benevolent impulse, that he is impervious to compassion, incapable of nobility, and mortally allergic to simple kindness. The greatest tragedy, is how many Americans he now represents.

When the (supposed) Word of God contradicts what you're preaching you just edit those parts out.

When the (supposed) Word of God contradicts what you're preaching you just edit those parts out. Sort of like how modern evangelists skip over the parts of the Bible that disagree with their message. Originally shared by Chris Kim A When 19th-century British missionaries arrived in the Caribbean to convert enslaved Africans, they came armed with a heavily edited version of the Bible.

Fox News - all conservative media - has been shielding #TrumpNation from reality, but we already knew that, did we?

Fox News - all conservative media - has been shielding #TrumpNation from reality, but we already knew that, did we? Fox News television viewers got almost no sense of this mounting crisis when watching prime-time programing on the night of December 20. Shows hosted by Martha MacCallum, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino (sitting in for Sean Hannity) and Laura Ingraham directed viewers’ attention to other matters. The programs focused on a subject that had already received extensive coverage on Fox in previous months and years: undocumented immigrants. Hosts and guests warned repeatedly that dangerous foreigners threatened to overrun American society. #DonaldTrump

#DonaldTrump, idiot.

#DonaldTrump, idiot. The impending reality of millions of Americans going hungry and homeless is just one aspect of the horrors that await us. At some point, the shutdown will impinge upon Trump’s C-suite constituency. Employees of the Transportation Security Administration have had to work without pay, but that cannot continue indefinitely. Already, employees at some airports have begun staging sick-outs. At some point, air travel will grind to a halt, and with it large segments of the economy. By next month, tax refunds will be in jeopardy. In #TrumpNation the magic talking box dictates policy because the president is too stupid to be a great deal-maker.

Oh look, a timeline of the GOP not wanting to build a border wall.

Oh look, a timeline of the GOP not wanting to build a border wall. Originally shared by Chris Kim A A timeline of when Republicans sabotaged bills that would have secured the border.

Hey, look! #DonaldTrump's DC hotel still has Federal rangers working:

Hey, look! #DonaldTrump's DC hotel still has Federal rangers working: The Trump administration appears to have gone out of its way to keep the attraction in the federally owned building that houses the Trump hotel open and staffed with National Park Service rangers, even as other federal agencies shut all but the most essential services.

In short: #DonaldTrump is as dumb as we all thought he was and when we all told our #TrumpNation friends that his...

In short: #DonaldTrump is as dumb as we all thought he was and when we all told our #TrumpNation friends that his habit of bankrupting businesses would destroy our country, we weren't kidding. _The Trump administration, which had not anticipated a long-term shutdown, recognized only this week the breadth of the potential impact, several senior administration officials said. The officials said they were focused now on understanding the scope of the consequences and determining whether there is anything they can do to intervene._ Donald Trump's business philosophy is simple: let's just not pay our bills. But you can't do that when it's a nation.

This is your reminder:

This is your reminder: #WhereImAt I've been sending more time on MeWe lately, but even then I'm not entirely happy. I don't think anything can replace how G+ fit into the mold.

Remember that wall Mexico was supposed to pay for along our southern border?

Remember that wall Mexico was supposed to pay for along our southern border? Yeah, that was just a mnemonic device to keep #DonaldTrump on task because "immigration" was too large of a word for him to remember. Roger Stone and Sam Nunberg are political consultants. Neither man has claimed expertise in immigration policy, particularly the complex issue of deterring individuals from attempting to enter the United States illegally. While Stone and Nunberg have their supporters, both have also experienced their share of controversies, including Stone admitting in December 2018, as part of a legal settlement, to “spreading lies” on the Alex Jones InfoWars program. In #TrumpNation "the wall" is nothing more than a symbol of xenophobia.

I see people get bent out of shape over the silliest things all the time.

I see people get bent out of shape over the silliest things all the time. Maybe it's having to wait in line to buy something or a perceived right to push you out of the way so they can get their popcorn quicker. Luckily I'm not a small dude so people rarely get in my way, but I see it all the time. Originally shared by Lee Grupsmith-Pedersen Entitlistas are everywhere. Even in the Magic Kingdom.

Parking this here to read later.

Parking this here to read later. “the first project, we developed a lot of additional information suggesting that the company that Donald Trump had been associated with and Felix Sater, Bayrock, was engaged in illicit financial business activity and had organized crime connections. We also had sort of more broadly learned that Mr. Trump had long time associations with Italian organized crime figures. And as we pieced together the early years of his biography, it seemed as if during the early part of his career he had connections to a lot of Italian mafia figures, and then gradually during the nineties became associated with Russian mafia figures.” #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation Originally shared by MTD So much confirmed, some still unconfirmed, none disproven.

I'm surprised #DonaldTrump hasn't akready resigned from the presidency marking his tenure as the greaterest of...

I'm surprised #DonaldTrump hasn't akready resigned from the presidency marking his tenure as the greaterest of successes. Former advisor to President George W. Bushand frequent Trump critic Alan J. Steinberg has an op-ed out this week arguing that Trump will remove himself from office before the end of the year. Similarly, but less specifically, Trump’s co-author of “Art of the Deal”, Tony Schwartz, predicted on Twitter Tuesday that the president would be out office before 2019 wraps up. But yes, a non-friendly Congress with subpoena powers will probably be the end of #TrumpNation.

Woo hoo!

Woo hoo! Oh, wait ...

The Walgreens security guard must have thought he was a real cop and could get away with shooting a man in the back.

The Walgreens security guard must have thought he was a real cop and could get away with shooting a man in the back.

This might be the scariest line of the entire article:

This might be the scariest line of the entire article: On his way out, Kelly said his tenure as chief of staff could be evaluated not by what Trump did during that time, but rather what the president had not done. What would #DonaldTrump had done without Gen. Kelly as his Chief of Staff?

It's good the rhino won't be punished. It did nothing wrong.

It's good the rhino won't be punished. It did nothing wrong.

There are so many things in this article to address and I would love to, but typing on mobile isn't that much fun.

There are so many things in this article to address and I would love to, but typing on mobile isn't that much fun. Let me say this quickly: With the rise of Libertarian Conservativism, Authoritarianism and the hubris of the West into thinking no other powers may dare challenge Western supremacy, we may find ourselves asleep at the wheel as the direction this planet's nation's are moving runs off the road. Now many believe we are sleepwalking to war all over again. The weights are tipping the scales just like 1914. Originally shared by Michael o'donnell With the shallowest thinker in centuries in office in the White House we are at real risk of sleepwalking into a global conflict. Analysis: History isn't over. We are witnessing its bloody return