
Showing posts from December, 2010


So, apparently my roommate thinks Voltron was a stupid cartoon.  Plot-wise and character growth-wise, I can agree to some extent but, in the 80s, this was pure awesomeness!  I mean, they had one simple premise that never failed to deliver: aliens attack, a giant alien mutant attacks, the 6 lions defend, the 6 lions form Voltron who's getting his butt kicked until he creates his sword and defeats the giant mutant alien. But, come on!  It's Voltron !  Where else are you going to find flying lions, giant robots, and a magical sword? And she's never heard of Robotech .  Who's never heard of the greatest anime cartoon ever?  Plot, character-development, a story that builds on itself, action romance, death --  Robotech has it all!


This is my idiot-dog, Rufus.

Tree Climbing Doggie

I saw this little guy climbing a tree at the dog park. You can't tell in this picture, but he's actually about head-high on me. So, about 6 ft up. My roommate just told me this doesn't count since the tree doesn't grow straight up but at a 45ish degree angle, however I think it does count as a dog climbing a tree.

Washington Stonehenge - A Tribute to WWI in Maryville

Washington Stonehenge - A Tribute to WWI in Maryville How cool is that?  A real life replica of Stonehenge in Washington. More Stonehenge-like Stuff

Delete Older Facebook Apps -- or Risk Everyone's Privacy | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

have you expunged the older apps lately? Delete Older Facebook Apps -- or Risk Everyone's Privacy | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS Do you even know how many apps you have running on FB?

I'm a Mac and I'm a PC at 4 years old

Little asian PC girl vs. MAC parody - watch more funny videos Ha ha ha... "And we f*cking hate each other."

Not Good

If I keep watching this, I'm going to end up an animal hoarder. Poor puppies!

From Two years Ago

Here's my trip to Mexico from a couple of years ago.  This was before I was "blogging" and decided to create a Google Site about it instead. Just sharing with you guys.


Total stunt fail!  Well, at least he was wearing gear. 

Has Anyone Tried Importing Their Blogger to FB?

Okay, I just tried this using both the Atom and RSS feeder links , as well as the way described below (using just the blog's URL) with no success. How to Import Your Blog Into Facebook No matter how I try it, FB does not accept the Blogpost address. Is this a case of Google blocking FB or vice-versa? Has anyone tried this, or had luck with this? Let me know how you got it to work, if you got it to work. Thanks

Fun With the Internet

Okay, so here's the fun with the internet. Find a random word generator (here are a few): Then go to either Google Image Search , Picasaweb Explore , or some other searchable photohosting site and then plug in the random word and search for an image tagged with that term. For example, I will use the first one listed above ( Watch Out for Snakes ) and get a word: Providing I then take "providing" and plug it into Picasaweb Explore  and get this: Pick a picture from the first page and share it here.  For example, Of course, you won't be able to post the actual image, but you could post an URL to the image.  You never know what you might get.  Oh, and let's keep it somewhat clean.  If you do post someth...

I Want My McNuggets!

Whoa lady!  They're just McNuggets and not that good!  Calm down. A security video from a McDonald's in Ohio shows a woman punching two restaurant employees and smashing a drive-thru window because she couldn't get Chicken McNuggets. The tantrum caught on tape in Toledo earlier this year shows the customer reaching through the drive-thru window, slugging one worker and then another. She then grabs a bottle out of her car and tosses it through the glass window before speeding off. It happened early on New Year's Day. Police say Melodi Dushane was angry that McNuggets weren't being served, because it was breakfast time.

Well, that sucks

So, I had to call T-Mobile regarding my G2 that I've had for only a week. I seem to drop a lot of calls and lose signal much more often then I ever did with my G1 so I called to check and see if they were having tower issues or anything. For example, in a 20 min call this morning I dropped 6 times. While on the phone with TMo I dropped a few more times. Luckily, the second customer service rep I spoke with was on the phone with me while I was losing the calls(he was kind enough to call me back) and it was finally his suggestion that my handset was bad and that I'd need a new one. So, tomorrow morning I get to mail it back to them, get them a tracking number and they send me out a brand-spanking shiny new one. I do have the option to get a different phone model from them, but dammit if I don't love the G2. So, I guess I'll be sliding the ol' SIM card back into the G1 and use GMail's calling feature unit the new one arrives.

The War on Cameras - Reason Magazine

An article everyone wielding a camera or a civil right should read. It's long, but it's worth the read. The War on Cameras - Reason Magazine

In case you absolutely had to know

I'm going to go on record and say I did not have to know. Where Can You Find the Biggest Penises? Wow, the USA doesn't even make the list. Maybe I should walk around nekked some more and get our stats up. :D

Sneaker heels?

What the f*? Nike sneaker heels From Stuff Kind of right up there with this:

Bottoms Up! Seriously!

That's different.

e-Privacy on the Homefront?

If you read your wife's email, is that the same as identity theft or fraud? Is reading wife's e-mail a crime? Rochester Hills man faces trial | | Detroit Free Press : " 'A person shall not intentionally and without authorization or by exceeding valid authorization do any of the following: 'Access or cause access to be made to a computer program, computer, computer system or computer network to acquire, alter, damage delete or destroy property or otherwise use the service of a computer program, computer, computer system or computer network.' " I'm trying to figure out how this guy falls under any of this. And where does the lie between private and marriage assets come into play. You can share bank accounts and legal rights but you can't read each other's email? What says you?

Ha ha ha!

Erika:  Police brutality!!! How fun!!! about an hour ago  via  Facebook® for HP webOS  ·  Like  ·  Comment Kristen  likes this. Stephen   Uhh what? 47 minutes ago  ·  Like Erika :   I've been apprehended. 43 minutes ago  ·  Like Stephen :  Your jail facebooking? 33 minutes ago  ·  Like Jason O N:  By a real cop or a stripper cop? 32 minutes ago  ·  Like Erika :  What?! A real cop! A detective, as a matter-of-fact. :) 8 minutes ago  ·  Like Jason O N  You know what's fun about detectives? Asking them to spell 'cat' and watching them get confused. 5 minutes ago  ·  Like Erika :  Nobody gets it, and the detective says to say that to his face. Too much egg nog? 3 minutes ago  ·  Like

What'd You Get?

What did you get for Christmas, assuming of course you celebrate the holiday? I got: socks (courtesy of the madre) underwear (courtesy of the madre) some silly vest-thing (courtesy of the madre) A couple of white t-shirts (courtesy of the madre) laptop cooling/lap pad (from the roommate) Gorilla-grip tripod for small cameras (as a re-gift) A cereal holder-thing from Rubbermaid (from the roommate) A leather laptop messenger-bag (from the roommate) edit: and my *Firefly* sticker! (from roommate) A camera bag/tripod set from the best friend (well, he bought half and I bought half) :D Tron: Legacy 3D from another friend. From me to me:  G2.  No, not the Gatorade. What I gave: well, being as poor as I am I didn't give enough, but... To: best friend, a pistol carrying case To: roommate, a Blendtec blender And that's it.  Unless you count the White Elephant party I went to the other day, then someone received a book of The Onion   front pag...

FreakOut over Nothing Much?

I remember when a lot of these were in the mainstream media: backwards rock'n'roll, D&D and daycare centers being the homes of satanic groups. The 6 Most Insane Moral Panics in American History | I also remember a kid down the street growing up who wasn't allowed to read comic books or play video games with human-looking characters or magic because his mother thought they were satanic. Not because of the story in this article but because she was so religious anything with power other than her god had to be the product of Satan. Needless to say, he's 30-something now, fat, bald, an IT guy and has had sex at least once that anyone can document. With a girl, that is.

17 Beautiful Photographs of Sand Dunes

Got sand in that? Light Stalking » 17 Beautiful Photographs of Sand Dunes I've been to the Great Sand Dunes National Park here in Colorado and I keep meaning to go back. I haven't been there in 5 years! And it's only a couple of hours away. Anyone want to go on a road trip? From Kincorra

Chrome Extensions and Apps for Production

Anyone have any experience with these? 6 Free Chrome Apps and Extensions for Small Businesses : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum

Space, the Next Frontier

Androids in space -- science fiction? No, science FACT.

TSA (Again)

Seriously, the TSA can't be expected to find guns and knives when they're on the lookout for the next MILF or tube of toothpaste. Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane | And why do we have a TSA anyway?


"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain it's success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things." ~Niccolo Machiavelli~

Winter Solstice Eclispe 2010

Went out last night and took some pictures of the eclipse. It was cold and since I ws on a state park I kept hearing coyotes roaming within 100 yards of me. But, I'd do it again. Maybe in the summer, though, when it's a bit warmer.

Two Trillion in debt -- America's cities are poor

Does this demonstrate the need for financial responsibility in America's cities and towns? Probably. However, most will raise taxes and/or "fee" the heck out of us. $2tn debt crisis threatens to bring down 100 US cities | Business | The Guardian But why isn't the mainstream (American) media covering this crisis-issue? Oh, wait, they did. So, how come no one is up in arms about their cities spending millions they don't have, giving businesses tax free services while spending money and effort providing services to those companies and not reigning in their spending habits? A lot of us have already seen fees go up and services go down in our cities. I'm afraid it'll soon become a pay-to-play society where the local, state and federal governments take money from us up front (income tax) to provide services and directly (fees) to let us access those services. Don't get me wrong, I understand the need for taxes; I really do. With taxes the government ...


"Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function."  ~Garrison Keillor~

30 Dumb Inventions brings you 30 dumb inventions of the 20th century. 30 Dumb Inventions - Photo Gallery - LIFE Which is your favorite? Which one do you wish you had?

I don't even know what to say

I want to say "I thought we were past this as a nation," but I guess we aren't. Having a problem with a group of people isn't about the color of the people's skin, but rather about the character of the person. Strip club owner posts “No Negroes Allowed” sign - Kansas City I mean, it's one thing to state that all patrons must abide by certain behavioral rules or to exclude people based on how they're dressed, but to discriminate on a whole race of people?

Suck it Apple!

The military s embracing Android! Real Men Use Android: Special Forces Favor Google Phone | Danger Room | Woot!

I won't be buying Nike shoes anytime soon

I'm not sure what the law here in the states is regarding unknowingly purchasing counterfeit items, but to sue your own customers (who didn't steal or try to deceive in anyway, I might add) for buying your product is not good long term business practice. Nike Sues Guy Who Ordered Single Pair Of Counterfeit Sneakers Over The Internet | Techdirt Nike, I've always preferred your competitors' products over your over-priced product and aside from the occasional sale I've never gone out of my way to purchase shoes, shirts or any other item with your logo on it. That being said, if you're going to sue me for making a legitimate purchase, I'm not going to be purchasing your product going forward either. Sincerely, Jason

A Splash of Color

Using Picnik, the online photo-editing tool from Picasaweb and Google. How To Add Color Splash Effect To Photos in Picnik [Image Editing] | Cool.

The Future

The future as seen from the past. What's happened and what could have happened. Miracles You’ll See In The Next Fifty Years: An Article from 1950 | Amusing Planet

Ghost Story

So, incredibly excited!!! Ghost Story (Dresden Files, No. 13) (9780451463791): Jim Butcher: Books

Vicks Wants a Dog

Should Michael Vick be allowed to own another dog after what he was convicted of? Vick Wants Dog, Says It Will Help His Rehab - Denver Sports News Story - KMGH Denver It's like letting a child molester run a day care center because being around children "makes them feel better."

Customer Service, Party on None

I'm still baffled, in this day and age, why companies think they can treat customers horribly. A simple blog, Tweet or FB status and everyone starts hating you. Just look at the TSA, which probably hasn't had as many complaints as Comcast does. Comcast Wants Me To Prove They Don't Own My Cable Modem - The Consumerist One of the reasons I left AT&T was the horrible customer service (under Cingular and then at&t, again). I've been with TMobile for a couple of years now and have rarely had a problem with them, the few I have had usually stemmed from the agent or employee just not knowing. Heck, I even called them last night about something and they went above and beyond for me. But Comcast, or any other company that seems to think the burden of proof is on the customer. I'm not saying they shouldn't get their equipment back if a customer has it, I'm just saying, they should have a record of it under the account, the address or the customer's nam...

FOX News Makes You Stoopid

As if we didn't already know this. Now, at least, there's a study proving it. And we all know the truth about "studies," right? That's right, they're great unless they say what you'd rather not be heard and then you have to commission another study. Right, McCain? Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid | | AlterNet

Photoshop Rap Tutorial!

Ha ha ha! This is great!


I think my biggest wave was something around 10ft during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. I couldn't imagine doing this. Amazing. And so beautiful. Surfing is the only sport I enjoy watching.

YouTube Vacations

Did you know YouTube had a vacations page? Youtube Vacations Go travel the world!

Pulled the Trigger

Okay, so I pulled the trigger.  With all the hoopla about the Nexus S  right now went and bought a G2 as a follow-up to my G1. Why? Well, the Nexus S doesn't have an SD card so no expansionability, nor does it come with HSPA+ which was a real big drawback to me going forward .  Both have the vanilla Android and the G2 can  record HD video.  Plus, I like the design a little better.  A lot of modern smartphones are looking like iPhone clones and that really annoys me. So, since TMo has a special right now for the G2: I called TMo and asked to speak to the retention department (a little trick I was taught to get superior customer service in regards to new phones, etc) and spoke with a nice gentleman who told me I wouldn't be ready for an upgrade until January.  No biggie, I could wait.  He then said: "Heck, you're a good customer" and gave me the early-early upgrade. Yay! After all was said and done I hung-up completely satisfied.  ...

Needs a List

Okay, so the library just informed me that they're going on a two month Holds moratorium while they install a new system. That means, for two months, I will not be able to place holds on books, DVDs, CDs or other media that I want to read, watch or listen to. So, I need a list of movies, books and CDs I should go ahead a hold before the moratorium starts. Advice? New movies, good books (sword and sorcery or the like, preferably) and any music I should be aware of (keep in mind, I'm eclectic). Thanks,

A Friend Sent MenThese

Christmas Funnies


Upon request by my neighbor, I took him and his dog, Riley, out for a fun filled photoshoot this afternoon. Let me just say "Riley" is not a very cooperative model. Anywho, these are some of the better shots. Enjoy! Link to Picasa Album

Mmmm... doughnuts

Sometimes you have to read the _fine print._

Not How I Thought It Would Happen

I was sure, instead of some woman object to being called a "ho" I'd see Santa being tried for having young boys and girls sitting on his lap.

This is kind of cool

By Ericsson, this is really cool. Async Voice I'm not sure how I'd use it, but I can see how it might be useful.

HDR Gone Wrong

HDR Gone Wrong I know a lot of photographers are using HDR these days to add a little more "art" to their photography and while there are plenty of HDR gone right , there's a whole lot of HDR Gone Wrong out there as well. Don't get me wrong, if the HDR is done right, it can be a great way to present a photo -- however I hope HDR is a photog-fad that's heading on it's way out.

Sarah Palin... Traitor?

Would you classify Sarah Palin as a traitor to the state? Foreign Press Says What America's Won't: Sarah Palin is a Traitor Moron, idiot, imbecile, yes, but traitor? Or, is it that the foreign press just doesn't understand the idea of a free speech guarantee?

Any Handcrafter's Out There?

If so, do you use this site to barter your goods? Etsy - Your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies

RC Plane Over New York

This is really cool. Not only the video but the fact that the police and other agencies took it in stride without being jerks about the RC plane. How an RC airplane buzzed the Statue of Liberty, with no arrests Photographers on the street don't get this level of professionalism from the police a lot of the times. This speaks well of the officers on site. Kudos to them! Oh, and watch the video, it's cool.

Vintage Ad Browser

I thought this was really cool, which is why I'm sharing it. :D Vintage Ad Browser

NYTimes Shows Us Their Pick for best Android Apps

Seems like everytime you turn around someone has a new Top-10 list about something. Top-10 hamburgers, Top-10 songs, Top-10 websites about dogs. There's a Top-10 for just about anything. Top 10 Must-Have Android Apps - Now, the NYTimes has created their very own Top-10 Android Apps list and while some of these I have already, some are new and noteworthy. Which ones are you using?

GOP Hands Polluters and Oil Companies A Major Victory - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

Another bite in the ass? Sure, some claim Global Warming is a creation of the liberal scientific community, but to put our country's security at stake over a political talking-point? Global Warming and Energy as a National Security Risk No Longer a Concern for Congress Let's see: Saudi Arabia, shown to be financially supporting radical Islamic fundamentalists per the recent Wikileaks leaks; Iran is, well, Iran and the Republican Guard who control the Iranian government are no friend's of the U.S. or a stable Middle East; and Venezuela is the rebel of the western hemisphere. Shouldn't an independent domestic energy policy be in the best interests of the United States in the long run? Or, is the GOP going to keep their interests on a 2-year cycle?