So Tired of Manufactured Rage
I don't normally read the kinds of articles that have a Kardashian in the title, but this one I opened due to the cultural appropriation claims. Don't get me wrong - I vaguely know who Kendall Jenner is just because her name comes up in pop culture news articles, I just don't know much about her otherwise. For example, I know she's related to the Kardashians but I'm not sure how as her last name isn't "Kardashian". Why were people upset that Kendall Jenner started a tequila company? That's what I wanted to know. People start liquor companies every single day from the gazillions of micro-brews across the US to the start-up distilleries across the globe. So, why was this particular instance different? From what I read in the article people are upset that a non-Mexican (or person of non-Mexican decent) started a company closely associated with Mexican heritage. And my question was: who cares? The outrage this caused reeks of what I refer to ...