
Showing posts from February, 2021

So Tired of Manufactured Rage

I don't normally read the kinds of articles that have a Kardashian in the title, but this one I opened due to the cultural appropriation  claims. Don't get me wrong - I vaguely know who Kendall Jenner is just because her name comes up in pop culture news articles, I just don't know much about her otherwise. For example, I know she's related to the Kardashians but I'm not sure how as her last name isn't "Kardashian". Why were people upset that Kendall Jenner started a tequila company? That's what I wanted to know. People start liquor companies every single day from the gazillions of micro-brews across the US to the start-up distilleries across the globe. So, why was this particular instance different? From what I read in the article people are upset that a non-Mexican (or person of non-Mexican decent) started a company closely associated with Mexican heritage. And my question was: who cares? The outrage this caused reeks of what I refer to ...

Google Makes Shit Difficult

Google likes to make things more difficult than they need to be. As a security precaution I turn off automatically showing images in Gmail. Not only does this help protect against nefarious intrusions into your device, but it also helps slower connections stay speedy.  Recently (as in this morning) I accidentally turned off the image blocking feature for one email sender and Google took that to mean all images would now be shown from that sender going forward.  That's not what I wanted. So, I tried to find the turn images back off  feature, which was hard to find as it wasn't clearly defined in the Settings under General or per the individual email address.  Not only that, but when I went to Help and searched, all Google had available to help  me was the How-To to turn feature on or off, not how to reactivate the feature for a single email sender.  For the record, toggling this setting on/off for the entirety of Gmail didn't work either.  N...

A Room With a View

A cold front moved through North America this past weekend causing snow in such unlikely places as Texas and Louisiana. I was having a bit of cabin fever and decided to drive through the Rocky Mountain National Wildlife Refuge . The bison were out in force but unfortunately my DSLR was in the back of the truck and I couldn't get to it safely with the bison so near.  So, I have a couple of phone shots.  The weather at 1PM on Sunday, in case you were wondering. 

Nitty Gritty

 In my previous post I alluded to the fact that some things had been happening in my life - some not-so-good things, in fact. In this blog post I will [a] attempt to explain what had happened and [b] have a written record of what happened. As some of you know and others of you never guessed, I'd been slightly homeless for the past few months. My landlord decided not to renew the lease with me citing I was "fat and lazy". So, as of mid-August I was adrift. Sure, I was working, but I wasn't making that much money, surely not enough to pay for a down payment on a place. Besides, I was working for a congressional campaign and I wasn't sure how the election would turn out. If we won, we all had jobs. If we lost ... well, then we were all unemployed.  Luckily, there was a non-profit that helped veterans with housing and they had some money to put me up into a hotel for the short term. The candidate I worked for kept asking me to just stay at his house and I kept wanting...

Life Happens

Lots of things have happened recently, and I'll get to those, but right now I have a question for you: Do you know that feeling when you forget you had a drink balances on the steering wheel and then you take a sharp turn? I do.  Red drink all over me, the seat and the floorboard. Gah!