How Not to Do It

Being in the job hunting frame of mind, I'm amazed at how difficult companies make it for candidates to be taken seriously. I'm not talking about the hoops a candidate has to jump through in order to be considered, such as applications, interviewing, assessments and so forth, but rather the hoops in a game the candidate doesn't even know they're playing. For example, The problem with this email is that you can clearly see I replied to it only to receive no return. This morning a reply came from an automated system informing me I was no longer being considered for a role I applied to three months ago. Normally I'd just let it go, but I'd met these people in person, they were interested in me, asked me to apply and contact them once the application was completed. So, when I received the dismissal email out of the blue, I was intrigued. I replied to it (as the small print says to reply to the email and it would be received). And then I decided to log int...