
Showing posts from April, 2019

Family Issues

Earlier today I sent my brother a text message. Now, with normal people this might not be anything earthshaking, but for me it's actually something to note. Not that my brother and I don't get along, it's just that we're two very different people living two very different lives and rarely do we have anything common to discuss and, if you know anything about INTPs, I abhor small talk. That being said - I sent my brother a text message. It was a simple link to an article I'd recently read that was relevant to his career field. A few short minutes after hitting [send] my phone rang. It was my brother. A few months ago my brother had informed me our father was sick. He'd already been through kidney failure, some sort of cancer (esophagus, I believe) and a few other things I didn't even know about. This time it was his kidney and the perpetrator was once again cancer. But, my brother, an RN, said there wasn't anything to really worry about. So, I didn...

Social Media Woes

Earlier today I had the perfect idea to blog about. It was something both interesting and profound and would have changed your world view - or at least helped you align with mine - but when I finally sat down to write ... nothing . And so, here we are. Me, with nothing really important to write about and you wondering why you're reading this in the first place. So, let's see ... I started talking with a co-worker recently whom I had very little interaction with in the past. He had worn a "Hail Satan" shirt to work and one day I commented on it in a positive manner. He admitted he only wore it to upset the christians, but he was assured by the HR department that as long as they're allowed to weird their crosses and pro-christianity apparel, he can wear the apparel of his religion. He's actually quit intelligent, having a master's degree in religious studies. He knows far more about Abrahamic religions than I do and I know my fair share. He also teac...

Ignoring a Prime Tenant of the Constitution

Religion has no place in policy which our Constitutional founders expressly stated and yet, there are countless people on the Christian right who would ignore the founders' intent to pursue their own agenda. The Christian right that denounced every Democrat and left leaning politician for an array of supposed slights against their faith have unanimously backed the "porn star" President, #DonaldTrump. A man whom is thrice divorced, has never read the Bible, attended church services before becoming president and who is the antithesis of all that the Christian right espouses. But, it was never about religion and all about power. With Donald Trump the Christian right found their willing idiot and they're taking full advantage of the time they have to cement their foothold on the federal government for years to come. And, of course, the MAGA-morons over in #TrumpNation will never make the connection when they realize it's the religious right holding them back, not th...

Me and Me and Me and You and Me

A great, if long, read for anyone who has ever entertained or succumbed to the draw of geneology and/or DNA testing. This particular part denoted my own feelings on the matter, although I do feel it would be fun just to see what happens: Furthermore, over the past two centuries, it was not uncommon for last names to be changed, misspelled, or misattributed. Records were frequently lost, recreated, or even forged. We think of our identities as relatively fixed now because we have traceable identification cards, birth certificates, and social security numbers from a very early age. But none of that existed until recently.

California and Capitalism

There were so many things I thought of today where I wanted to sit down and write ... at least to blog, but I didn't. The problem with having a job where you can't alter your focus from your work is that when those moments of clarity or epiphanies happen you can't take advantage of them. I had thought to log into Linkedin and keep that open while I'm at work, but alas, I spend more time reading than actually posting. And yet, there was a little post made by an old Army buddy of mine on Linkedin that forced me to stop and think. This particular friend of mine happens to be a card carrying member of #TrumpNation. He spent 8 years ranting and wailing  about President Obama's policies, posting conspiracy theories, half turths, outright lies and whatever else came from the talking box and Fox News (America's most popular fake news source). This particular friend was on the birtherism bandwagon, nearly feinted the one time President Obama wore a tan suit and bel...

When is a Lie Not a Lie?

Trump just said "my father is German, was German. Born in a very wonderful place in Germany." Fred Trump was born in New York. — Tommy MMXIXtopher (@tommyxtopher) April 2, 2019 #DonaldTrump, #GlobalIdiot Seriously, it's like sometimes the man can't tell a truth to save his life. And the most troubling aspect of Trump's inability to tell the truth is that #TrumpNation believes his lies as though they are in fact the only truth they have ever heard.

Google+ is Dead

That's All, Folks!

What is Real? Do You Know?

People are weird. I mean, really weird. Or fascinating, if you're job is to study and treat people. But who knows? Maybe none of us exists? Perhaps we're just delusions of some other being out there with schizophrenia. Cotard delusion continues to baffle medical professionals to this day. Current research links the disease to Capgras delusion, a condition that causes sufferers to believe that the people around them have been replaced by imposters. Capgras delusion is believed to result from neural misfiring in the area of the brain that recognizes faces. The hypothesis is that Cotard delusion simply takes this one step further; instead of having trouble recognizing and associating emotion with the faces of others, patients fail to recognize and relate to their own bodies. ~