
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Next Phase

I remember driving the HMMV. I love the HMMV. There are very few places it cannot go, no matter the geography. Much more trail-savvy than a Jeep (another leftover from the military). But, apparently it's end is nigh. The MRAP is taking it's place as the go-to vehicle for moving troops around the battlefield. And it's oh so ugly. But, function over fashion, I say ad anything that helps out the soldiers is a good thing. That being said, where do I go to get one of those HMMV's on surplus? :D

CSC North meets South

This video is short but it records some of our ride yesterday for the Annual North Meets South Ride. This ride is for those who live in northern Colorado to connect with people who live in southern Colorado. This year we met at Marions in Idaho Springs . Marion's is owned by an MRA racers and while they normally close at 3PM on Sundays they stayed open for our special event. Our Route. View After The North South Ride 2011 in a larger map This isn't the whole route. The whole route is apparently too much for Google Maps which I've tried to create about 7 times today and I'm ready to throw my laptop out the window because no matter what I do with the Map, Google Maps just FUBARs it. So, this is what you get. :D

Bike Night 5-28-2011

Bike Night 5-28-2011

Bike Night 5-28-2011

Bike Night 5-28-2011



In a Pagan State of Mind


Noob Ride May 2011

So, today was our annual Newb Ride. It was a simple idea:  to welcome those newer riders and given them a positive role model for responsible and safe riding; to welcome riders who are new to Colorado and/or canyon riding and to welcome people to group riding. The CSC has traditionally held this ride in the earlier part of the riding season, before the onslaught of summer drivers and day-trippers yet far enough into the spring that the roads are clear of snow, ice and sand. Description of the Ride This year we will be hosting the N00b ride on May 21, the weekend before Memorial Day and as always, we will be teaming up experienced riders with their less experienced counterparts. While this is traditionally worked around the sportbike community, we do not and have not turned away persons on other types pf motorcycles. We ask only that everyone wear a helmet, gloves, ankle-height shoes and pants. Those who show up without this minimal amount of gear will be asked to leave the group r...

Humanity at it's worst

Very little pisses me off as much as cruelty to animals, especially animals that share a symbiotic and trusting relationship with humanity. Unfortunately, we see a lot of this sort of behavior whether it comes in the form of puppy mills, beatings, skinnings or, in the story of Gandolph the Spitz . Blinded and then left to roam the streets at only a few months old. Was this the work of someoen losing their home and setting the dog free  as opposed to taking it to a shelter? Is the the work of kids or derelicts who found a puppy who had escaped from it's home or fenced yard? Is this the work of meth-heads and tweakers who found a puppy and thought it would be fun to torture it? Or maybe they're deranged people or a person  who desperately wants to work in "enhanced interrogation" at Gitmo and this is his/their portfolio. Unfortunately, we don't know. It could very easily be any of the above. Gandolph recently had surgery to remove his damaged eyes Let's ...

Ride an Italian

For those of us CSCers who ride fine Italian machinery, or those who are of fine Italian descent, or those who are dating or married to fine Italians… join us for an   Italian Ride on   SUNDAY, MAY 22 ! This is in the spirit of spdu4ia's   thread . Agenda Meetup:  MOCO  10:30AM, kick stands up 10:45AM. Destination: Estes Park Route: Most likely Golden Gate Canyon and P2P Eat:  Sweet Basilico  (reservation under SARAH), chosen based on price, location, online reviews, and Sunday availability. Never eaten here, so don't blame me if it ends up yucky. Alternate Agenda:   In the event that the northern conditions are not ideal, we'll move the routes south to Colo Spgs. If ALL of the Front Range sucks on the 22nd, we'll postpone the Italian Ride to June 4. Details TBA. To my fellow Neapolitans (Dirty Southies): If you want to ride up to MOCO as a group on the 22nd, I plan to be at the   7-11   on Briargate Pkwy (b/w Chapel Hills Dr & Lexin...











Miss Representation Trailer (2011 Sundance Film Festival Official Select...

Don't get me wrong, I like a hottie as much as the next guy, but there's some truth to this.

Osama's watery grave captured

So, why was it Osama was given a burial at sea? :D

Twitter Me This

(@JasonON),   You're receiving this email because you previously signed up for SMS notifications but, unfortunately, you are no longer getting them sent to your phone.   If you'd like to start getting SMS notifications again, you can sign up by texting START to 40404 from your phone. Or, just click this button here:   Signup for Twitter SMS »   So, I receive the above email from Twitter. The trick is, I never, ever  signed up for SMS notifications. I've never done that with any social or e-service I've ever made an account for. Good to know they're not sending me SMS automatically, but it still bothers me that I'm shown as having signed up for this in the past.

Drop Box

Drop Box 1190 RC8 I test rode.

Mmmm.... beer.

Now, there's a beverage to sink your teeth around. Or was it lips?

Dog Park 5-5-11

Dog Park 5-5-11

Taco (Pizza) on Cinco de Mayo?

From Stuff Is it okay that I had Taco Pizza on Cinco de Mayo? :D

Ultimate Dog Tease

When you talk to your dog, does your dog talk back? What do you two talk about? Is it anything like this?

That Blows

I'm not really into "cutesy" things, but this is hilarious! The baby's facial expressions going from terrified to interested to terrified to laughing...

May the 4th Be With You

Star Wars Day This day is considered an unofficial holiday by  Star Wars  fans to celebrate Star Wars culture and remember the films. May 4 is called  Star Wars  Day (also sometimes known as  Luke Skywalker Day ) because of the popularity of a common  pun  spoken on this day. Since the phrase " May the Force be with you " is a famous quote often spoken in the  Star Wars  films, fans commonly say "May the fourth be with you" on this day.

Last Supper with Stripper Pole


SETI an infograph

Link to larger image

They rapin' errbody out here - with news anchor intro

Not to take away from the attempted rape, but the rest of this is hilarious. Wait until her brother gets on the camera. Yes, yes, I will burn in the proverbial hell. But i'm okay with that.

The Meaning of Life

Ha ha ha! Hypocritical much?

Ha ha ha ha! Deathers!
