According to this article, scrutiny of FB's privacy policies has diminished due to Google's admissions regarding data-mining. Did Google Just Kill The Facebook Privacy Fiasco? Is this valid? Can FB go forward with the catch phrase: "well, at least we're not Google?" Is FB off the hook, so to speak, for doing a complete 180 on their privacy standards and should users start trusting in Zuckerberg more than in Mountain View? I leave those answers to you, but when Google receives criticism, they usually react by becoming more transparent themselves or by stopping/altering the activities that received the criticism. When FB started getting criticism instead of praise for their about face on privacy issues, their first reaction was to tell users if they don't want to be public, don't get on the net. Although there are some things I'd like to see the Goog address, I'm willing to place more trust in them than in FB these days.