
Showing posts from May, 2010

Good Sex, need I say more?

I happen to be a fan of good sex -- one of it's biggest fans, perhaps so Im glad to see Good Sex is good for something more than anaerobic exercise. :D Does good sex keep a marriage stable over the long term? - Barking up the wrong tree

The Matrix Has You

Step 1 - insert computer chip under skin Step 2 - infect chip with virus BBC News - First human 'infected with computer virus' Step 3 - Skynet takes over the world.

Science and Religion -- It's Not What You Think

Interesting. The fanatical religious pundits always tell us there is no place for religion in science and therefore we must reduce our reliance on science to answer the universe's questions. Slashdot Science Story | What Scientists Really Think About Religion It seems, while most scientists aren't evangelical, many of them aren't shedding their belief in something 'else.'

When in doubt, claim science is false.

We've all seen this, when someone refuses to take scientific evidence as truth, claiming the science is wrong, or it's man-made therefore fallible, or somesuch. When science clashes with beliefs? Make science impotent

Picture Gallery Pop-Up

Nature Photography. There's only 9 images, but they're all amazing!

Horse -- on Cherry Creek State Park Update

I received this email this morning: Good morning, The Bureau of Animal Protection does have agents in that jurisdiction that can follow up with this complaint.  I have attached a link  with contact information.  The phone number for the investigations department is 303-923-0022.  They are familiar with Paint Horse Stables, we get calls from time to time due to the high volume of foot and vehicle traffic.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns and thank you  for contacting our office.  The obvious discomfort and infection are very concerning.   Scot Dutcher Chief, Bureau of Animal Protection Colorado Department of Agriculture 303-239-4163 I contacted the DDFL at the above number and spoke with James who informed me there was an active investigation, that the horse was under veterinary care and that the drippage I witnessed on Friday was what the vet wanted to happen in orde...

Cherry Creek Horse Update

Update 5-24-2010 This morning I decided to follow-up on my call with Ranger Laura by going to the Park's Administrative offices.  When I walked in the staff member behind the front desk asked me how I was and what they could do for me.  I replied that I was there to speak to someone about a horse over in the horse stables.  She started to ask me if I meant the horse... and then she stopped herself, I guess before she said too much regarding a particular animal. The staffer then said she'd get the office administrator, Patti, to give me a hand to which I countered that I would like to speak to someone with authority.  She left and brought back a woman whose name-tag read P. something and I can only assume that was Patti. I explained to the woman I assumed was Patti my situation and she introduced me to Joe Brand, the Cherry Creek Park Operations Manager, (303 690 1166 x 725,  He asked me to sit and mentioned I looked familiar to which I...

Browncoats turn fan-film makers

How cool is that? I hope it's a good showing as Firefly was a great show and Serenity was a really good sci-fi movie. Firefly Takes Flight Again With Browncoats: Redemption | Underwire |

Horses on Cherry Creek State Park Update

May 23, 2010  13:30ish Okay, so I went out to Cherry Creek State Park today and looked at the horse.  The leg looks worse.  I overheard someone else talking about it and spoke with her for a time and she said she's been monitoring this horse from afar for about a week but the park rangers nor the Humane Society seem to want to help the horse out. Why is everyone looking the other way for this stable owner? When I came back around from my walk there was a small family looking at the horses and the mother was talking to the little girls about riding them.  The stable owner came over and very congenially explained that the horses sometimes get scratched from rubbing up against the fence line and that they're all okay.   I then asked him what about the one with the gaping hole in his leg to which he replied, again nicely, how the horse was under veterinarian care.  To which I asked when the last time a vet was out there to see the leg's condition. ...

Civil War Hero Gets Medal of Honor : Discovery News

I'm always glad to see a soldier get his just rewards, even if it's 150 years late. Civil War Hero Gets Medal of Honor : Discovery News

Jeff Owens -- shining light of the Rightests Christians?

A fairly good blog about a fairly bad person. Who Is Pastor Jeff Owens? | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper And the author brings up a good point: where are all the christians who say people like this don't speak for them? Why are they "shooting the messenger" so to speak as opposed to contacting the hate filled zealots and demanding they stop their hate filled rants?

Injured Horse -- No One Seems to Care

May 21, 2010 Approximately 19:25 Disclaimer: sorry for the video quality but all I had on me at the time was my G1 v1.6, which has video as an after thought. _____________________ I decided this evening to come to Cherry Creek State Park's dog area. This area is situated on the southern end of the Cherry Creek State Park and holds within it a horse paddock, or stables. As my friend and I were completing our walk with our dogs our path took us up along the trail that parallels the western fence line of the horse paddock. I noticed, in the distance along the southern most fence line, a horse standing with it's rear facing the fence. When I saw this I realized the horse was in the same position, or very near it, when we arrived and parked in the southern parking lot off of Orchard and Parker roads. I walked over to see if the horse was okay, hearing earlier in the day a rumor that one of the horses in the paddock was lame or injured and that the horse stable manager/...

Time Lapsed Imagery from Shuttle Launch

This is really cool. It takes about 4 minutes to get though the 100 or so hours of footage. DSLR Time Lapse of a Space Shuttle Launch

May I suggest a "Write a Child a Letter Day?"

I can believe this and I remember being a kid a getting really excited when a letter came for me and not my mother. A fifth of children have never received a letter | Education | Might I suggest an informal day where you (hand) write a letter to a child you know, preferably not your own, and send it via snail mail?

Slobs are healthier?

Who knew slobs tended to be healthier than neat freaks? Ha! Aside from the Army, I don't think I ever made a bed except for sheet changing day. W00t! BBC NEWS | Health | Untidy beds may keep us healthy

WebDesigning, not just for webdesigners

Got this from another Buzzard and it as funny enough to blogger about. How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell - The Oatmeal End of blog. :D

In OZ, wearing skinny jeans means you want it

When I was in the military, I remember a few times we were put on lockdown because a woman claimed she was raped by a fellow soldier. Later, after questioning, most of these women admitted to making the false claims because they regretted going out the guy in the first place or to get back on a guy after they perceived a relationship and he (apparently) didn't. Jury Rules Skinny Jeans Wearing Women Cannot be Raped Am I saying that these rape claims were not justified or were not valid? Absolutely not. What I am saying is that sometimes when women, especially younger women, regret a sexual adventure sometimes they claim rape. While, no one can adequately reflect the number of false claims, no one doubts these claims exist . That being said, my personal belief is rape is something horrible to be inflicted on a woman and the perpetrators of rape are the lowest of the low. And by no means is a type of clothing a plausible piece of evidence to absolve the suspected rapist of the a...

Is FB off the Hook because of Google?

According to this article, scrutiny of FB's privacy policies has diminished due to Google's admissions regarding data-mining. Did Google Just Kill The Facebook Privacy Fiasco? Is this valid? Can FB go forward with the catch phrase: "well, at least we're not Google?" Is FB off the hook, so to speak, for doing a complete 180 on their privacy standards and should users start trusting in Zuckerberg more than in Mountain View? I leave those answers to you, but when Google receives criticism, they usually react by becoming more transparent themselves or by stopping/altering the activities that received the criticism. When FB started getting criticism instead of praise for their about face on privacy issues, their first reaction was to tell users if they don't want to be public, don't get on the net. Although there are some things I'd like to see the Goog address, I'm willing to place more trust in them than in FB these days.

Social Networking for the Oil Industry

Does any industry really need it's own social networking site when there's an all-encompassing one called LinkedIN where industry groups are prolific? Welcome to The Oil Pages Well, if you're in the oil industry this might be good for you or your career, I guess. Either that or it's just another SN (social networking) site to keep track of going forward. I only belong to MS (but I don't use it), FB, LI, Buzz and and that's not including the various messageboards and blogs I follow. I have a hard time keeping updated and track of those -- I couldn't imaging adding more to my plate and still being able to outside or be social in person.

Food, it's what's for Dinner

By reading the summary of this bill at this website and kept thinking to myself: this bill is designed to kill the family farmer's business; it is designed to raise taxes on food preparation until 2014; and limits the production and delivery of organic and herbalistic foods. S510, a Senate Bill to change the agricultural indsutry Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making the food industry healthier and more humane in regards to the ranching industries, but does anyone here remember when they changed the EPA standards for gasoline filling stations that put thousands of mom and pop corner stations out of business because they couldn't afford to keep up with the new regulations? I see the same thing happening here. Small and medium businesses are the backbone of the American economy... why must the layers government always intervene in a manner that impacts these companies negatively?

Wondering if you're n the right online "e" network?

Here's a friendly flow chart on how to find the right social "e" networking site for you. Yes, Google Buzz is on there. Where Should I Chat Online? | Magazine

Government Supported Sex Slavery?

This is severely messed up. Our "judicial" system is flawed to begin with, but people do not, NOT, give up their rights as people when entering the prison system. You think the death penalty is bad? In my opinion prison rape by guards is incredibly far out of line. Woman Prisoner Sent to Solitary for Reporting Rape by Guard And that the "system" is trying very hard to turn a blind eye makes this all the worse. It's almost as though we were state sponsoring sex slavery for as a perk for correctional officers. This is the United States of America -- aren't we better than that?

Friendly Atheist by @hemantsblog � The Station That Censors Muhammad May Give Jesus His Own Show

Jesus already has entire channels devoted to him as well as the ilk of Pat Robertson, Dobson, FOXNews and Sarah "the Retard" Palin, does he really need a comedy show as well? Friendly Atheist || The Station That Censors Muhammad May Give Jesus His Own Show

That's kind of cool. Hit the link!

Flying alligator attacks child in the middle of the street. images-3D-sans-lunettes-Stereoscopie-4.gif

Earth, from Space

Amazing imagery of Earth from satellites. You do like Earth, don't you? Then take a look! 60 Stunning Satellite Photos of Earth | Webdesigner Depot

The Perfect Boat?

I wonder if there's a prototype and how it handles the open sea? Totally awesome idea! This Boat Is Perfect for Vacation, Living, or Weather Apocalypse - Arkki - Gizmodo

Spider-Man Saves the Day!

How friggin cool is that? Spider-Man saves the day at a comic book shop in Australia. What he was doing in Australia ... well, I'll leave that for the article to explain. BBC News - Spider-Man foils comic book thief in Australia

Gallery of HDR Photos by the HDR Photographer's Community

UI'm kind of tired of HDR at this point but some of these pictures are really good. HDR Spotting - Gallery of HDR Photos by the HDR Photographers Community

The Laidoff Ninja

I'm not sure I'll run out and buy this book, but I might be interested in reading someone else's copy... [hint] Seriously, have you read a book on being unemployed? Was is pseudo-psychobabble or was it good information that helped you out? Slashdot Book Reviews Story | The Laidoff Ninja

Who didn't see this coming?

Well, when their shining example of humane treatment of prisoners is Abu Grhaib and the Bush administration trying hard to find legal justification for torture, what did you think would happen? Torture, rape was norm at illegal Iraq prison: report | Reuters

Cougars Roar!

Glad to see cougars keeping lingerie companies in business. Cougar effect boosts lingerie sales | Reuters

Taking it Back from Facebook

This app gives you the ability to reclaim your data from FB. Give Me My Data | A Facebook application to reclaim your information

The fear that drives me

Whenever I hear someone talking about how this (the U.S.A.) is a christian nation with out christian military and our christian morals and our christian founding fathers, this is the sort of world I think of: one where persecution of the minority is not only accepted and applauded but also not punished by the government. Religious persecution is widespread, report warns - We already have Kansas and Texas with their fight to put _creationsism_ in textbooks and schools; we have Oklahoma weedling christian morals into medical science and we have pharmacists and politicians using their conservative christian values to undermine policy. And many many more examples. Of course those who urge this nation to move more towards the Bible and further away from the Constitution argue that this would never happen, but doesn't it already? Doesn't it happen in the British Isles, between the RCC and Protestants and between christians and neo-pagan religions? If you justify persecuti...