
Showing posts from February, 2010

Toxic Waters - Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A. -

Toxic Waters - Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A. - Is it me, or does the Supreme Court seem to like over turning laws that have been effective for decades to the direct benefit of big businesses? And of course, with their teams of lobbyists, getting news laws, or clarifying laws is nearly impossible. Oh what wonder one could accomplish without the meddling interference of lobbyists.

Corporate People

The SCotUS recently decided corporations are individuals and are therefore allowed to contribute unrestrictive to political campaigns. In other words, corporations are exempt from 100 years of campaign finance laws and previous court decisions. So, that being said, since corporations are, per the SCotUS, legal individuals does that mean corporations will be as tax responsible as individuals? For example, will they now be required to pay income taxes on monies earned, or pay roughly 30% to the IRS and hope for a government refund in April 15?

Cell Phones

So, the other day I find a cell phone while out walking my dog. I dial 611 to get to the customer service rep who then has the owner call me so we can rendezvous and I can giver her the phone. Today I am out at the dog park and I find a cell phone. I call the husband who doesn't answer. I call "Home" which doesn't answer. The phone receives a call from a woman who knows the phone's owner. As I look for the owner, I get a call from the owner using someone else's phone. She got her phone back. What are the odds I'd find two phones and get them back to their owners in the 3 days?

WebUrbanist | Alternative Art, Dynamic Design, Visual Culture & More

WebUrbanist | Alternative Art, Dynamic Design, Visual Culture & More There's an interesting website. Especially if you're open to new ideas and areas of expression.

Reports: 5,000 'overtly sexual' iPhone apps purged | Apple - CNET News

Reports: 5,000 'overtly sexual' iPhone apps purged | Apple - CNET News Apple playing the role of Moral Majority. For anyone over the age of 18, while you're not necessarily downloading these apps, you might want to be worried. Apple has already purged apps they deemed inappropriate once and now they're doing it again. What happens when they don't want you to have access to conservative or liberal blogs? What if Apple suddenly decides you shouldn't be able to have access to Twitter or Gmail? Or some other site? Maybe you have a poker app and Apple suddenly decides poker breaks their morality rule?

YouTube - Step Forward -

YouTube - Step Forward - : "" So, you've seen this commercial and you think: hmm... maybe I'll check that out, see if I can help this country get back on track via some sort of service to my countrymen. So you open a browser and type in: and wait... finally in renders and you're at where you can buy presidential inauguration memorabilia. WTF? So, to serve my country I'm to buy something?

Earn Money by Writing Online

Earn Money by Writing Online Some simple help to getting paid to write online.

Dirtch: Find and monitor dirt on anyone, including yourself

Dirtch: Find and monitor dirt on anyone, including yourself Find e-dirt one someone. I looked, luckily, I'm not on there.

PR Daily: Top stories from around the web

PR Daily: Top stories from around the web Want to share your story with he world? This video shows you how to pitch to the Associated Press.

Op-Ed Columnist - Our Politics May Be All in Our Head -

Op-Ed Columnist - Our Politics May Be All in Our Head - Wow, so according to researchers at the University of Nebraska, politics may be hardwired into our systems; we may be designed from birth to lean one way or another. In short: conservatives tend to be people that are easily frightened while liberals are more level headed. Who knew?

Now 90, veterans' group started here | | Cincinnati.Com

Now 90, veterans' group started here | | Cincinnati.Com Colorado Springs, not only home to the FOtF douchebags who don't think people have a right to be equal to one another, but also home to an organization founded to help and provide benefits to veterans disabled in service to their country. I didn't know this and I've been in Colorado (Denver) for 10 years. Next time I'm in Colorado Springs, I'll have to swing by and let them know how much of a fan I am of what they do for American veterans.

Public gallery URL : Album Privacy - Picasa Help

Public gallery URL : Album Privacy - Picasa Help Okay, so for the most part, I like Buzz; especially since Google addressed some of the privacy issues. However (isn't there always a "but"?) I would very much like to see a way to change the user name, or Buzz URL, like you can in Picasa that way people I'm connected to don't automatically have my email address.

A refresher course on line editing | Article | Homepage articles

A refresher course on line editing | Article | Homepage articles Good review for anyone who writes a lot. Sometimes we forget the easy simple steps in our complacency which often results in embarrassing mistakes. This should remind us all, no matter how experienced, a little proofreading and editorial discretion can go a long way.

HOW TO: Integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz into Your Gmail

HOW TO: Integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz into Your Gmail Good news for anyone who doesn't want multiple tabs open at on time, or a one-stop shop. I may try this, but not today as I'm currently sick and can barely spell much less follow directions.

Google Buzz for mobile

Google Buzz for mobile So, I can't use Google's own Buzz from my Google Android 1.6 phone? Does this mean Google will be rolling out Android 2.0 to G1 users? If so, yay! If nay, boo!

Tokyo, Japan. image - Twitpics from Space (photos) - CNET News

Tokyo, Japan. image - Twitpics from Space (photos) - CNET News Twittering from space... How will Google match this?


"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning to dance in the rain" ~ Unknown

How to keep Google Buzz from revealing who you e-mail and chat with most : Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech

How to keep Google Buzz from revealing who you e-mail and chat with most : Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech Need to fix your Buzz's privacy settings? Here's how. 1 -- username 2 -- In the blue bar below your name you'll see: About Me , Buzz , Contact Info , and to the right Edit Profile . Click "Edit Profile." 3 -- In between your name and your picture are three check boxes. The third one down hides your contacts lists when unchecked. 4 -- Scroll down to the bottom and Save .

Iran uses 'enemies of God' charge on protesters -

Iran uses 'enemies of God' charge on protesters - I guess I can't go to Iran since I'm mohareb. Well, not technically... I'm an atheist and I know there are no such animals as gods. But, in my atheism I try to enlighten the people who are misinformed or misguided (you know, godly believers) and therefore, technically that would make me an "enemy of god." Taken literally, this could be applied to any secularist, any scientist or anyone who wants to dispute the divine writings of the Koran, Bible or Torah. I love theocracies!

The Editors' Choice List: Our Selection of the Best PC Freeware

The Editors' Choice List: Our Selection of the Best PC Freeware In case you didn't know and wanted to, here are some freeware options for making your computer work like you want it to. Enjoy!

Close encounters of the suburban kind > Colorado Community Newspapers Online - News Around Town > Highlands Ranch Herald > News

Close encounters of the suburban kind > Colorado Community Newspapers Online - News Around Town > Highlands Ranch Herald > News Who knew Colorado was such a hotbed of UFO activity? Found this via Twitter, I think, and thought this guy's perspective was really interesting. I wish I had skills as photographer like this guy does.

Open source: The money is in the cloud | The Open Road - CNET News

Open source: The money is in the cloud | The Open Road - CNET News Wish i knew enough about making money on the interwebs to know of a way to make money on the cloud.

Fiber Art Calls for Entry: 2010 Denver Biennial of the Americas Residency

Fiber Art Calls for Entry: 2010 Denver Biennial of the Americas Residency Too bad I'm not an artist. I'd love an opportunity like this as a photographer. Of course, I'm not that good of a photographer.

Install_Custom_ROM - android-roms - How To: Install the Latest Custom ROM - Project Hosting on Google Code

Install_Custom_ROM - android-roms - How To: Install the Latest Custom ROM - Project Hosting on Google Code Want new features for your G1? Try some new ROM, but be aware, it voids any warranties.