Adam Lambert on AMAs
So, I've been seeing all these headlines about the 'sexually charged' show Adam Lambert put on at the AMAs recently. Heck, I don't even know when the AMAs were, so I have to say "recently." First, I had to look up who Adam Lambert was (thank you Google) and then I had to search over Hell and high water to find said offensive material. Apparently, ABC and Dick Clark Productions have had the video removed from all over the internet and where it wasn't removed from, my ISP has designated the site: illegal for my region, or some such. But, thankfully, I was able to see the show thanks to the private persons who put the video out there on their own servers. I won't mention where I saw it to save those people the drama that ensues when someone has a "copyright" on broadcasted media. Okay, so my take: not as bad as they're making it out to be. Was the show sexually charged? Sure. Not as much as you used to be able to see on MTV's vid...