
I Hate Google Maps

This is feedback I just sent to Google Maps using the "feedback" option. As you can tell, I was (am) a little annoyed that I had to stop and address something so basic it should have been included in the product of a multi-billion dollar company that has hundreds of millions of users every single day.  Google Maps is absolutely atrocious for making custom maps. It was so much easier when the MyTracks app was around, but like all good things, Google canned it years ago (and none of the other Play store offerings are nearly as good).  But, since I'm trying to demonstrate to someone the walking trail I found in when I was visiting Florida, I opened Maps (then had to search why I can't create a custom map only to discover I had to open [which is dumb]). Then, I'm creating a simple walking map: start point? Check. Draw a line for the loop? Nope, not an option. Why? Because Google Maps is atrocious for just about anything that is actually useful (which

Moms For Liberty - Batshit Crazy Rightwingers

You should really take 15 minutes out of your life to watch this video about #MomsForLiberty to truly understand how batshit crazy they are.

Hope These Comes Through

So, I bought the new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to replace my S22 Ultra with the broken charging port. Luckily at&t had a trade-in program that made this extremely inexpensive for me.  I was recently watching a YouTube video on camera features trying ro figure out if there are any settings or features I should be using and discovered something I had seen while playing with the phone but didn't really pay attention to while poking around. Specifically, that the camera on this device (which I'm typing on now) can take photos at 12M, 50M or 200 M. That's two-hundred megapixels! So, I've been playing with this feature just to see how much detail I can extract from an image. From what I've looked at, 200M on my phone is still not as detail laden as the 15M on my Pentax K5 (yes, it's old). But, that's digital vs optical for you.  Here are to images I took today with the 200M setting. I was walking my brother's dog on a 6 mile loop I found and we were on the

Just Testing Something

Since my previous post had the photo insert upside down, I wanted to check and see if it happened to all photos or just that one. Dexter, my brother's dog, while we were out for a walk on Dead River Park, Hillsborough County, FL. 

Haunted Guinea Pig

My mom is visiting her sister just outside of St. Louis. My aunt has Stage IV lung cancer and is going through intense chemo.  This is while I'm in Florida visiting family and staying at my mom's house (taking care of her cat, watering plants etc.).  She called about an hour ago and asked me to find a certain pair of shoes my brother can bring to her while his family goes up this weekend to visit my aunt. I went up to see my aunt previously. While on the phone my mom mentioned she was tired of sleeping on the couch. My aunt no longer able to use the stairs, isn't using her master bedroom on the second floor, leaving it empty. I asked my mom why she didn't just use the bedroom upstairs and she replied that she didn't get good feelings from that room - that she's sensitive to the paranormal and the room scares her. It always has. My aunt moved I to this house which was built in the 1940s, in 1974, and had lived there ever since. I remember going ip there once whe

On Proselytizing in Random YouTube Comments

This doesn't just apply to YouTube, but any online location where people pop in with their religiousness for no reason other than to shove their religion down everyone's throats. Most of the time we just ignore these people, but I'm tired of that, just as I'm tired of the MAGAmorons and other alt-right imbeciles glorifying their ignorance.  We have to push back, let these people know their 240 character sermons aren't welcome in polite society. 

GOP ... or KKK? Or both?

Apparently a local GOP group in Alabama posted KKK inagery on their Facebook page recently. When called out they apologized , but let's face it, both the Republican Party and Alabama are stereotyped for their racism and stereotypes exist for a reason. So ... was it unintentional or were they just not expecting the backlash? Image they shared: